Again you cherry pick pieces of the argument. Government is not just there to protect the rights of citizens, it is there to provide services which are otherwise simply not going to be done properly, like roads etc. Can you imagine a libertarian society with people paying to use "the best roads"? What a mess. It'd be just as bad as health care is now.
The thing you guys refuse to accept, is that some services can be provided better, and without "prejudice" by the government. They can do it fairly and equably for all. Any service which fits that requirement (like health, education, roads, garbage disposal) NEEDS to be done by the government. It trully is essential for healthcare to be accessible and affordable to all. Your economy will be much stronger when your middle class workforce is strong.
Why does the government do it better? Because they don't put money as the first priority. Yes money is important and a service must be provided responsibly, but the government can do it without trying to make a profit, (ie: "for cost"), a corporation cannot. A corporation MUST make profit, and in a capitalist society it needs to make more and more every quarter. That intense drive to make a profit is the difference between a government provided service, and a corporate service.
You still haven't explained why the US healthcare system costs the most in the world per capita, with the least coverage, causing the most bankruptices. It's a very poor system, the facts are not on your side when you compare your healthcare vs the rest of the first world.
And you also haven't explained your logically inconsistent viewpoint: if healthcare shouldn't be government funded, why is public school education federally/state funded? And would you prefer that to stop?