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To floor it or not to floor it (yeah this is about MPG)


Moderator / Dream Killer
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Jun 8, 2021
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Oh, sorry, I was not thinking. I am a director at an engineering firm for the construction cost engineering department. I hire engineers to figure out the formulas then correct them.
Funny, it’s a small world. I’m a director at a construction firm, and one of the things I do is show engineering firms how inefficient their designs are! (I’m also a licensed engineer)

Mountain Whiskey

Spends too much time on here
Mar 2, 2021
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Funny, it’s a small world. I’m a director at a construction firm, and one of the things I do is show engineering firms how inefficient their designs are! (I’m also a licensed engineer)
Been there done that too! Couldn't believe just last month when I was talking to a group at a design firm about a building addition. I asked where the crane staging and lay down area was planned to go. They actually said they wanted to leave that up to the GC who would get the job. I almost fell out of my chair. I asked them if they considered the constructability of the design they were proposing and you would have thought I just stepped out of a flying saucer. I just couldn't believe they were designing something with no idea if they could access the area or get the material to where they needed it. Engineers......
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