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Title Lien Release


Active Member
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
Port Jefferson, Long Island NY
If this is not suitable for this forum, I apologize. I'm hoping maybe someone with similar experience can help. My factory ordered Ram is at the dealership awaiting delivery. I've just discovered that my Certificate of Title (NY State) for my trade in Silverado is not considered clean and clear. My loan through TD Auto finance was satisfied in 2018, however I never received any type of confirmation or the Lien Satisfaction/ Release Letter. I contacted TD Auto and spoke to multiple people, transferred to supervisors, etc. They do show the old loan, but basically cant give any info. The age of the account has moved to "Archives." They said it will be "escalated" to the titles/liens area. Best they can do is have a letter faxed/mailed in 5 business days, instead of the normal 7. It's not the end of the world if I don't get the truck for another week, but wow is it frustrating. Has anyone gone through anything like this? Is there anything I'm missing, or any other avenue I could explore to speed up this process? Thanks
I went through this with a Ford. Dealership that was taking the trade acted like it was an issue that I had to resolve. After speaking with Ford, they said the dealerships have an easy channel to procure the needed info without all the hassle....they were just being lazy. I called the dealership and said it was their problem. Never heard anything back after that, so I guess it was resolved.
I can't say I've ever been in that position. But then again, ever since I've been financing vehicles about 20 years ago, I've never actually paid one off. I always seem to trade them in some time after getting rid of the negative equity. But I'd think that Smon is right about dealers having more and better tools to take care of these kinds of issues. Seems like if they really want your money they'll need to put in a little more effort to get it.
Just went through something like this with a 2011 Jeep I had financed with Ally Bank. When I paid it off they sent me the title with a signature in the 1st Lien block and a rubber stamped Lien Officer or something like that. They also included a letter that said basically "congratulations on paying off your car". I live in GA and if you have the title in hand you are good to go to sell or trade. But a guy from Michigan wanted to buy my car and had to borrow from a credit union. The credit union said Michigan DMV would require I have a Lien Release letter that specifically listed the VIN, loan number, and a statement that the lien was released. I gave the credit union lady the old loan number and she called Ally Bank and they, in fact, mailed me a letter in about 1 week that was specifically a Lien Release Letter. You can bet I will demand a Lien Release letter the next time I pay one off.

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