On a whim, I decided to do a deep dive on the Rebel Level 2 vs. Rebel Level B thing. Just to see if there is any pattern to why they're doing this. Here's what I found.
This graph represents the total volume of builds that have either "Rebel Level 2" or "Rebel Level B" packages. It's arranged by VIN group. There are a few interesting clues here. The 100-115 groups are mostly Level 2 (with a few having been converted). It's obvious that those were converted because this silly B package didn't exist back then. But then things start to transition into the B's, with 128-150 being predominantly B. Then it flips back to Level 2 from ~150-170. Then it's a mix. And starting around 200, it is almost all Level B again.
But here's what I don't understand. At no point did they "stop" making Level 2's. Nor did they "stop" issuing Level 2 packages. Even up in the 212 and 215 groups, there are still some Level 2's. So what exactly is the logic and/or purpose? Why are they simultaneously taking orders for both (and building both)? Do certain dealers have access to one package and not the other? This just doesn't make sense to me.
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In case anyone is wondering if it's a "timeline" issue, and not a VIN group issue, here are the builds by date. My date-stamps aren't accurate prior to 10/12, so I excluded those for this exercise.
Still doesn't make any sense.
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