At my request, my dealer had my bed sprayed since it didn't come that way from factory. They sprayed over everything which makes it a bit difficult to install the bed lighting. They are going to make it right but I want to see the factory spray to see what was and wasn't sprayed. Guess I will stop by the dealer in the morning to take pics so I can show the company that sprayed mine what they need to correct.I don't see spray liner on any plastic parts on mine. I think they get installed after the spray job.
Yeah, plastic should have been removed or taped off prior to sprayAt my request, my dealer had my bed sprayed since it didn't come that way from factory. They sprayed over everything which makes it a bit difficult to install the bed lighting. They are going to make it right but I want to see the factory spray to see what was and wasn't sprayed. Guess I will stop by the dealer in the morning to take pics so I can show the company that sprayed mine what they need to correct.
At my request, my dealer had my bed sprayed since it didn't come that way from factory. They sprayed over everything which makes it a bit difficult to install the bed lighting. They are going to make it right but I want to see the factory spray to see what was and wasn't sprayed. Guess I will stop by the dealer in the morning to take pics so I can show the company that sprayed mine what they need to correct.