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SOLVED: Key Fob Holder, Is There Such A Thing?


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
Reaction score
Panama City FL
With my new Gen 5 I'm looking for a good storage location to keep the key fob when driving. Is there such a thing as a key fob holder that can be mounted to the center console or dash? My Gen 4 I didn't have to worry about this. I use both console drink holders, need somewhere visible so I don't forget and lock it inside or leave it and goodbye truck.
I just leave mine in my pocket.
With my new Gen 5 I'm looking for a good storage location to keep the key fob when driving. Is there such a thing as a key fob holder that can be mounted to the center console or dash? My Gen 4 I didn't have to worry about this. I use both console drink holders, need somewhere visible so I don't forget and lock it inside or leave it and goodbye truck.
Well, you can't lock it inside. If you leave it and lock the doors, it will honk at you and unlock the doors.
Well, you can't lock it inside. If you leave it and lock the doors, it will honk at you and unlock the doors.
See I knew this truck was smarter than me! I guess that leaves out hiding a spare unless it's shielded??
See I knew this truck was smarter than me! I guess that leaves out hiding a spare unless it's shielded??
That is correct. It would need to be shielded.
I hang mine in one of the slots meant for a usb cable right in front of the usb plug.
If I were you, I would get a quick release key chain. You have the truck key on one side and all your other keys on the other side. You can detach it easily so you can then stick your key in your pocket and enjoy the convenience of the passive entry/exit and push button start has to offer. Keep the rest of your keys inside the center console while you're driving and running errands.

I mean there is no point in running around with a giant ring of keys you don't need except entering and exiting your house. Leave that in your truck and just have your truck key in your pocket.

Something like this:

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If I were you, I would get a quick release key chain. You have the truck key on one side and all your other keys on the other side. You can detach it easily so you can then stick your key in your pocket and enjoy the convenience of the passive entry/exit and push button start has to offer. Keep the rest of your keys inside the center console while you're driving and running errands.

I mean there is no point in running around with a giant ring of keys you don't need except entering and exiting your house. Leave that in your truck and just have your truck key in your pocket.

Something like this:

View attachment 98710
That's part of what I'm trying to avoid, is keeping the fob in my pocket. I'm retired in Florida in shorts (without belt loops) and don't want the key fob in my pocket. I usually carry my key fob and keys when out of the vehicle. I'm looking for something inside the vehicle to hang or place the fob into. I'll keep searching the net and see what I can find to mount to the dash or console I can drop it into. The flat spot next to the gear selector or the very front of the center console would be ideal. Thanks for the response!
Carabiner clip & hook your keys on your belt loop. Idk man, I've never lost my keys, wallet, or phone in my life. It's 3 essential things I check everytime I leave my house or get out of my truck.
Unless it's the dead of winter, rarely do I wear anything with belt loops. I'm in Florida and in shorts usually.
Unless it's the dead of winter, rarely do I wear anything with belt loops. I'm in Florida and in shorts usually.
What do u wear basketball shorts all the time ? Most shorts have belt loops in case u want to wear a belt.
Sport or beach with the elastic band. Us old farts need stretch! 🤣 One of the privilege's of retirement.
Yes sir we do! Along those lines - when you do need something a little more upscale look at golf shorts and pants. They do have belt loops, but also elastic in the waist band and stretchy material. Im not a golfer but I'm loving golf shorts!
I keep hearing that you can't lock your doors with the key fob in the truck.
I'm going to have to check that out.
I often use my second fob to remote start my truck from the house with the first fob still in the truck,
I usually unlock the doors as soon as it looks to have started but I'm pretty sure that it locks the doors before it starts.
I've noticed a couple of times this summer that with the fob in the little package tray on the dash above the radio
that apparently the key fob is getting too hot as the message key fob has left the vehicle will pop up when I start it.
If I move the fob out of the sun it seems fine.
Yes, my key fob is left in the vehicle most of the time, I do try to remember to take it out when I'm in town.
Where do u keep your wallet & phone then ?
Phone stays in the truck, I only use it when out and wallet in the back pocket (if available) or in the console during a drive. My phone and wallet fit perfectly side by side on the wireless charger ledge of the console.
Yes sir we do! Along those lines - when you do need something a little more upscale look at golf shorts and pants. They do have belt loops, but also elastic in the waist band and stretchy material. Im not a golfer but I'm loving golf shorts!
I've got some dressier Columbia PFG gear I wear when out for dining, shopping, etc. Typically I'm in my casual stuff for around the house which consist of a t-shirt and old shorts.

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