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Renewable Diesel Fuel #2

So in case anyone is wondering what a shill is, this is a shill. Comes across as a regular guy, but is obviously trying to get people to click on his little link. Didn’t even try very hard to conceal himself either.
Hi @Eighty, I reached out to answer the OP and wanted to provide some additional information on the topic, since a lot of people don't know the difference. And you're right, I'm not trying to conceal myself. Just sharing information that may be useful to others as most people here do. Here's another link from the US Dept. of Energy that supports my original post.

I do believe in renewable diesel, and even through it's not widely available everywhere yet, it's getting there.
So in case anyone is wondering what a shill is, this is a shill. Comes across as a regular guy, but is obviously trying to get people to click on his little link. Didn’t even try very hard to conceal himself either.
You correctly describe a shill but calling Renewables a shill is wrong. There are a lot of misunderstandings, questions, and incorrect statements throughout this thread. Renewables has described Renewable fuel well and should be thanked rather than called out.

I have switched 100% to Renewable fuel in my Eco and my Cummins HO. I agree with what he said and also want to point out that fossil and Biofuel can and often do contain as low as 40 cetane per the Federal Specs. Renewable's low is 70 and can be as high as 85.

I would think as a Staff Member you would be the last to demean a member, especially a new member. If you are in question why not inquire to him via a pm rather than a forum post?
I would think as a Staff Member you would be the last to demean a member, especially a new member. If you are in question why not inquire to him via a pm rather than a forum post?
You wouldn’t believe how many posts from fraudsters, tricksters, and scammers that we deal with as moderators. People who appear from nowhere, touting products (with web links) are automatically suspicious. Particularly when they pretend to be (or just casually appear to be) unassociated with the product they’re peddling. And especially when they’re responding to year-old threads. It sets off almost all of the warning bells.
@Renewables, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here. But a little advice for the future - next time you should clearly announce that you represent the product that you’re innocently commenting on. And if you start trying to hawk the product on here, then it’s a deal killer.
@Eighty, no harm, no foul. I understand you're trying to protect the community, but I am here to try to add value, not noise.
You correctly describe a shill but calling Renewables a shill is wrong. There are a lot of misunderstandings, questions, and incorrect statements throughout this thread. Renewables has described Renewable fuel well and should be thanked rather than called out.

I have switched 100% to Renewable fuel in my Eco and my Cummins HO. I agree with what he said and also want to point out that fossil and Biofuel can and often do contain as low as 40 cetane per the Federal Specs. Renewable's low is 70 and can be as high as 85.

I would think as a Staff Member you would be the last to demean a member, especially a new member. If you are in question why not inquire to him via a pm rather than a forum post?
Thanks, John. You're right about the cetane, and because renewable burns cleaner, the fuel system is cleaner too. How long have you been running on renewable?
Thanks, John. You're right about the cetane, and because renewable burns cleaner, the fuel system is cleaner too. How long have you been running on renewable?
I'm on the fourth tank on my Ecodiesel and the sixth tank on my Cummins 6.7 HO
You wouldn’t believe how many posts from fraudsters, tricksters, and scammers that we deal with as moderators. People who appear from nowhere, touting products (with web links) are automatically suspicious. Particularly when they pretend to be (or just casually appear to be) unassociated with the product they’re peddling. And especially when they’re responding to year-old threads. It sets off almost all of the warning bells.
@Renewables, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here. But a little advice for the future - next time you should clearly announce that you represent the product that you’re innocently commenting on. And if you start trying to hawk the product on here, then it’s a deal killer.
I understand all that and appreciate your actions to weed out the unwanted. I suggest that accusing someone before you know, is harmful and unprofessional.
Keep up the good work.

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