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Re: parking lots

Fortunately my wife, who is the primary operator of “her” Limited, knows to park well away from others. I see so many people (women usually but not always) waiting to get that precious close-in space, wedged between 2 other vehicles and just waiting for door dings.
Yea I don’t get it. People will wait in the row in their car for 1-2 minutes when maybe 7 spaces away it’s open... but they just “have” to get the closest spot. Go figure.
Glad I'm not alone. Folks in other places go, "why? It's a truck!" as if I shouldn't care about my ($40-60k) truck. Listen, if I ding it by taking it off-road or some other activity, that's on me. I can live with it, as it was self-inflicted. What I can't live with is irresponsible people throwing their doors open carelessly or tossing carts around the parking lot and hitting my truck. That's where the distinction lies and why it's not as simple as "it's a truck!"
I also definitely park as far away as possible. I love to walk in general. I don't know why but I just like walking lol. Hiking etc. also. Just nice to walk in general especially on a nice day. Got to enjoy the little things. That and the fact that I do not have to park in a tight space or worry about door dings when I park far away also.
Only thing I do is back in or pull through to an open spot. Getting out of crowded lots these days is a nightmare, many people around with their face buried in a smart phone. Imagine how bad you'd feel if you backed over an SJW with a man bun
C'mon, would you really feel that bad? :devilish:
I tend to try n Park next to other Ram's and Mopar that are clean.
I know they take pride in their ride as I do. Then the only possibility of a door ding is those caused by the wind.

Black 20 Ram
I tend to try n Park next to other Ram's and Mopar that are clean.
I know they take pride in their ride as I do. Then the only possibility of a door ding is those caused by the wind.

Me too, although not just Mopars. Any generally clean, well kept, newer (or old classic) vehicle tends to belong to a more responsible owner. Not always true, obviously, but the odds are definitely better.
Anyone else drive around the parking lot a few times trying to find the "right" spot? Aka the spot least likely to end in your truck getting a door ding?

I freaking love my Rebel.
Already happened to me :cautious: luckily I was able to buff it out and it wasn't a full on dent.
I work in the five sided fun house in DC, the spots are a tad small but there are a few coveted end row spots that have more room. I look for dings every day....
You could slug it or take a shuttle, but don’t really know if it would mare a diff at the commuter lots
I always park as reasonably far as possible. I have palpitations thinking about leaving any of my cars in a regular parking lot spot any where.
My wife busts my chops, but then again my cars don’t look like my wife’s.
I usually park far out, I get exercise and the truck not as likely to get dinged. The few times I've chanced it I always come back and cringe when I see some jolopy parked six inches from me.
I always park as reasonably far as possible. I have palpitations thinking about leaving any of my cars in a regular parking lot spot any where.
My wife busts my chops, but then again my cars don’t look like my wife’s.
And there you have it!
Yes on parking way out.... but to add I also make sure it is not within 3-4 spaces from trees.
I don't want bird crap on my clean truck!! HA
I always park farther away to avoid some dingus putting a ding in my truck. There’s always one that parks next to you... even if there are 100 wide open spaces around. I hate those people.

My wife always gives me crap for it. But hey... it’s not a cheap throwaway car and I want it to remain nice for the foreseeable future!

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