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Randomly Shut Off


I seriously doubt the the issue is your battery.

Please check these other posts and see if the issue identified is similar to yours:

"Engine Shutting down while driving"

"Engine Stalled/Shutoff"

"Ram 1500 GT Shut down while driving almost killed us"


Does your rear window leak?? Some us think the issue with our vehicles is water intrusion on the RF Hub or e-torque module. Both of those are located behind the rear seat.

I will be very curious to see what the dealer finds and if they are able to duplicate the behavior. the situation has been frustrating for many of us, because this is a very serious issue and no one from Ram seems to know what is causing it.
Hey sorry my edit must not have went through, my issue was a loose connection point underneath the dash. Nothing major just few hundred bucks to figure it out thankfully, could’ve been much worse

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