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Ram Forum better than Ford


Active Member
Apr 5, 2021
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Well everyone, got to say I miss talking with you guys. People here aren’t so soft. I got banned from f15014gen forum because I had Trump as my display picture. Hadn’t written a single sentence on the forum lol. Nothing like first amendment suppression. Making me think I should have kept my 19 Ram instead of trading for a new f150. Lol

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Well everyone, got to say I miss talking with you guys. People here aren’t so soft. I got banned from f15014gen forum because I had Trump as my display picture. Hadn’t written a single sentence on the forum lol. Nothing like first amendment suppression. Making me think I should have kept my 19 Ram instead of trading for a new f150. Lol

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Whew. Just be glad you didn't say anything about the Omicron variant...and how NOT ONE person in the US has died from it. Oh, worldwide, you ask? Yeah, that's up to...one death.

Post something like that in other forums and the vax-man will come for you. ;)
It sucks that you can’t express yourself there. I guess you could always just lurk to get info on the f-150, or just have a neutral avatar that’ll pass their muster.
A buddy of mine got banned from the Tunda forums for photoshopping that pic of bernie sanders with the mittens into his trailer and saying he was hauling a load of crap... Still laugh about that
It sucks that you can’t express yourself there. I guess you could always just lurk to get info on the f-150, or just have a neutral avatar that’ll pass their muster.

I can’t conform, I feel like I’d be giving up my freedom lol

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Whew. Just be glad you didn't say anything about the Omicron variant...and how NOT ONE person in the US has died from it. Oh, worldwide, you ask? Yeah, that's up to...one death.

Post something like that in other forums and the vax-man will come for you. ;)


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself lol

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I can’t conform, I feel like I’d be giving up my freedom lol

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Don’t we do that just a little bit each day?
Whew. Just be glad you didn't say anything about the Omicron variant...and how NOT ONE person in the US has died from it. Oh, worldwide, you ask? Yeah, that's up to...one death.

Post something like that in other forums and the vax-man will come for you. ;)
Actually, it's been confirmed that one person died with the Omicron variant, not from it.
Actually, it's been confirmed that one person died with the Omicron variant, not from it.
I was just going to post that. It irritates the crap out of me when I see the media post up death toll numbers related to COVID. Only 6% of the ~700,000 people actually died from COVID. The rest died with COVID.
I also want to point out (not a doctor, not medical advice) that Remdesivir, the Ebola drug, is causing pneumonia and organ dysfunction in Covid patients at the hospital.

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I was just going to post that. It irritates the crap out of me when I see the media post up death toll numbers related to COVID. Only 6% of the ~700,000 people actually died from COVID. The rest died with COVID.
This started waaaay back.

A 37-year-old man who died from an overdose of fentanyl has been added to the ranks of Ventura County’s COVID-19-related deaths.

The reason, said the county’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Christopher Young, is that the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus was deemed a contributing factor, meaning the man, whose name and city of residence are not being released, did not die from drug use alone.

“Fentanyl intoxication is the main cause of death, and the contributing cause was a COVID-19 infection,” Young said in an interview with the Acorn. “They were working together to cause this person’s death.”

Politics are best left off of most forums and most have rules banning it. Otherwise, people who would normally be friends instantly become enemies. And for what? So politicians on both sides who profit from keeping us divided keep their jobs?

I make this plea to both the right and left with no malice to either in the desperate hope that at least some will listen. We all desperately need a reality check here.

None of us, right or left, are enemies, we are all fellow Americans and countrymen who simply think differently. So what? People always think differently. That's just the way we're built. Are our ideological differences really worth ruing our country over? As fellow Americans, we share far more similarities than differences, the first and foremost being the right to be free. We should be friends and countrymen, not bitter enemies because of something so stupid, petty, and corrupt as politics and politicians, on both sides, who thrive on dividing us. Politics should be politicians' lives, not ours. Historically, Americans have always been rightfully distrustful of politicians, when did we start idolizing them as people in banana republics and communist countries do? In the US, politicians come and go, power shifts right and left every few years. What remains constant is the US Constitution and the freedom it preserves. That's the only thing Americans should idolize. That's worked well for us for 245 years, why stop now over ideological differences which have always existed and will always exist. Americans should never be bitter enemies with their fellow countrymen. We're all in this together and we need to coexist peacefully.

We all have family and friends on the right and left. It's perfectly normal for people to think differently, that's what America and our Constitution is all about, the right to think and live as we want. Have we forgotten that? No one on any side ever wants to be told that they need to conform to think alike. That's what freedom is. The right and left must always peacefully share power together in the US or else it stops being free and democratic. Neither side can ever always have its way, compromise is the only workable solution. Our founding fathers knew this over 245 years ago, so should we today.

It's completely hopeless in a free country for one ideology to try to force the other to their way of thinking. It's never worked and it never will. It's also unAmerican. This country was founded on the right to think as we wish and be free and independent from anyone, right or left, to tell us how we need to think. Therefore, the only choice in a free country is tolerance, we simply need to get along and live peacefully together despite our natural differences. This is what the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights protect. We are free to think and live as we wish, something very rare in the history of the world. These precious rights must always be preserved, no politician right or left must ever change our destiny to remain free.

We're far stronger together. Our real enemies (have we forgotten about them) love it when we divide and fight bitterly among ourselves. They must be ecstatic right now. We've forgotten about them to fight among ourselves. This hurts the US far more than anything they were ever able to do to us. This country is so mighty that the only way it'll fall is from within. Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong-un would absolutely love to see another US civil war. And that's were where headed every time either side disses the other and becomes more and more intolerant and divided. We're already in a cold civil war, worse than anything I've seen in my life. We all need to think about this before we ruin this country from within without our true enemies firing a single shot. If you need to hate on someone, hate on those who want to bring the US down, not your fellow countrymen.

This is the United States of America, not the Divided States of America. Let's keep it that way before we, not our enemies, become the first people to ruin the best country in the history of the world. Ask yourself truthfully what is most important, party or Country? Ask yourself what is preferable, tolerance and compromise or ruin.

A house divided against itself, cannot stand. - Abraham Lincoln
United we stand, divided we fall. - US Motto.

These words inspired Americans to stand together against the biggest threats to our democracy. These words must either be heard again or US Democracy and the US Constitution are finished, not from foreign enemies, but from ourselves.

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