I can attest to this fact. I grew up in Alaska and worked there until I was transferred to Houston in my 50's. I was driving a 1994 Ram 1500 4x4 extended cab down the highway outside of Soldotna, Alaska when an oncoming pickup hit a patch of black ice. He was doing the speed limit and started fishtailing. His nose went towards the ditch and hit a guard rail at an angle so it flipped his truck on the side so two of the six tube sand bags he had in the bed of his pickup launched at me and a car behind me. They literally bounced (frozen tubes of wet sand) down/across the highway right into my truck...one into the radiator and the second down the side of my truck and into the driver's side front quarter panel. Even the Alaska State Trooper said it was preventable had he slowed down and also secured the sand bags properly in the bed of his pickup.I'll add a bit of safety advice that you're all likely already considering but just in case. Anything you put in the bed of your truck should be secured using quality straps of chains etc rated for the load. If you put sandbags or frozen water in your truck bed and don't secure it properly it will potentially be a dangerous flying object in a crash/rollover situation. I work with a large fleet and can tell you unsecured cargo in truck beds and inside the cab or a truck or car can lead to major injuries in a crash. We always need to remember, an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force!