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Put in drive and and doesn’t go into gear until I give it gas???


Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
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As the title says, after my truck is parked over night or for a lengthy period of time, when I start it up and put it in drive, it doesn’t engage until I give it gas and then it slams into gear. Just turned 400 miles and only 2.5 weeks old. Hasn’t done this until last few starts. Auto brake was turned off when I took delivery. Any ideas what this could be? Very unnerving to have new truck slam into gear when drive is selected and I have to rev it.
Sounds like you have the auto ebrake on. If you attempt to drive prior to seat belt being buckled it won’t disengage. So if you buckle while stepping on the gas it will hold until it’s buckled. I’ve had it sometimes let the brake go without buckling if I get on the gas enough.
Sounds like you have the auto ebrake on. If you attempt to drive prior to seat belt being buckled it won’t disengage. So if you buckle while stepping on the gas it will hold until it’s buckled. I’ve had it sometimes let the brake go without buckling if I get on the gas enough.

I was buckled and I have the auto ebrake turned off anyway. I am not sure if it's some kind of solenoid inside the transmission, or maybe my transmission fluid is low. I am going to have my dealer check everything asap.
I was buckled and I have the auto ebrake turned off anyway. I am not sure if it's some kind of solenoid inside the transmission, or maybe my transmission fluid is low. I am going to have my dealer check everything asap.

Do some searching on the forum. Several of us have had this issue, with varying levels of fixes. Mine did this three times within 700 miles. The dealer did two TSB updates for the transmission. I am now at 2100 miles and have not had it happen since that update.
Do some searching on the forum. Several of us have had this issue, with varying levels of fixes. Mine did this three times within 700 miles. The dealer did two TSB updates for the transmission. I am now at 2100 miles and have not had it happen since that update.

Can you please provide those two TSB numbers so I can provide to my dealer? I have searched without luck. I would greatly appreciate it!!
Can you please provide those two TSB numbers so I can provide to my dealer? I have searched without luck. I would greatly appreciate it!!

I had this happen 3 times within 700 miles. My dealer did a TCM and PCM update, TSB# 21-021-18 and #18-076-18. It also lists New part# 683600086AK and #68378743AK, although I don't know that any parts were actually updated.
I had this happen 3 times within 700 miles. My dealer did a TCM and PCM update, TSB# 21-021-18 and #18-076-18. It also lists New part# 683600086AK and #68378743AK, although I don't know that any parts were actually updated.

Perfect, thank you. I will call my dealer with this information and see what they can do.
I've had this happen too and if I put it in park or reverse then back to drive it goes away
I have been going back and forth with the dealer. We had the updates in October, but then every time would get between 1250-1800 rpm’s there was a horrible vibration at various volumes.

To date we have had the following:

1. Computer update
2. Part of noise cancellation replaced
3. Another part of noise cancellation replaced
4. 1st Solenoid checked, but diagnosis varies depending on who you talk to. One person said notes indicate this was not the problem, another person said it is.

We have been dealing with Chris at Customer Care, but he got caught lying to me today. Love it when they say they were just getting ready to call! I called Tacoma Dodge when I got off the phone with him and my rep was not only there but had not gotten any calls from him. (Eye roll!!)

I have been without my truck since mid December... one way or another we are looking at possible lemon law.

I was happy to get the help of one of the Ram reps on this site, but if their guy isn’t honest... calling an attorney to ask about my options.
Went to my dealer on Monday, and no TSB updates for my Vin#. I can only assume it's because my truck was built on 11/20. However, my truck has slammed into gear twice since then. Tranny fluid is good and dealer has escalated to FCA higher source. I assume they will offer a new tranny like they did on my first truck, which is unacceptable as part# will inevitably be the same. My dealer couldn't find the issue, and FCA will probably still have no answer even though they had my first truck for 3 weeks. It was an August build and the answer they had was "we don't know what the problem is. replace tranny". 4 months later, and another new truck and still no fix. This along with all of my other defects is unbelievable. Ram quality control is the worst of any auto maker I have ever seen. If FCA doesn't give me good news, it may be attorney time for me as well.
What is the significance of an 11/20 build?
What is the significance of an 11/20 build?

My other ‘19 was built a few months earlier and had the same issues my current truck has. So, apparently if the issue is a bad valve body in the transmissions, then the newer builds apparently don’t have a fix yet.
It is weird that everyone does not have this issue if it is a part issue, unless there are multiple suppliers.
It is weird that everyone does not have this issue if it is a part issue, unless there are multiple suppliers.
Yea, is sounds to me more like user error than anything else.
Yea, is sounds to me more like user error than anything else.

User error? Don't think so many people on this forum have trouble understanding how to start truck, buckle, place foot on brake pedal, turn dial to drive. Please, enlighten me if you have a system that works better and will eliminate all of our issues. If not, I can assure you it is an issue. Both of my '19 Ram's have done it, and there is a 3 month build date difference between the two. So, it could be a multiple supplier issue, or something else. But, respectfully I seriously doubt it's user error.
Bizarre and **** luck my man.

I just passed 10k miles and never had this issue.
Mine did it the other day less than 390km on my truck. Put it in drive and it didn't move in idle so back to park for a second or 2 than back to drive and gave it a little gas. Nothing for a second or 2 than bam into gear. Thinking wtf.

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