Can you explain the difference in magnet style. I thought they were all motor driven. TIAHad the amps and dad has the Mopar. I prefer amps because they deploy faster. When I get out of his truck the step is always only half down. Currently have a 2025 Ram and Amps don't work yet. Only ones that work right now for 2025 is the magnet style (roughcountry, RBP, etc) and Mopar. Amp and Boost auto currently do not work.
Yes they are all motor driven. The magnet means they use a magnet in the door jam and door and when the magnet separates (the door opens) the steps deploy, when they connect (door closes) they retract. The amps, mopars and boost auto steps wire straight to the truck and basically when the truck says the door is open they deploy and so forth. Both styles have motors connected to the battery, but the nonmagnets are also wired under the dash. Currently the trucks are wired differently on the 2025's and the steps will bolt up they just won't move/work with the direct connect style The magnet style and Mopar are currently the only ones that work. I had the amp's on my 2019 and loved them.Can you explain the difference in magnet style. I thought they were all motor driven. TIA
I just installed the Mopar power boards on my 2025 Rebel. I have the AMP boards on my 2015 Ram and really liked them, but I got tired of waiting for AMP to release them for the 2025's. They seem a little noisier than the AMPs and they are a little more visible in the stowed position, but overall they work and that's what matters.
Here are my AMP boards retracted. One would hardly know they were even there.
Your call, but I believe if you like the AMPs the price would be what you are after installed if you shop around.
Had mine installed at dealer for $2039 total/out the door in March 2024. The guy used a $250 coupon he had in is desk to get it down to that price.Ok thanks the dealer can get these the Mopar are on back order $2400 installed I’m trying to get them to $2000
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Yes, my AMP board fully retract under the truck. The Mopar board tuck in along the rocker panel.Ok so you’re saying the AMP boards are hidden more so they tuck along the body closer than the Mopar boards??
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