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Power Running Boards do not close consistently


Active Member
Feb 9, 2019
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I had power running boards installed at the dealer. When are they supposed to park themselves?

About 90-95% of the time they seem to close immediately after putting the vehicle in gear. However, every so often they will remain deployed as I am driving away until I reach about 10MPH. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?

I thought it was because the dealer didn't flash the computer (originally had no way to manually deploy/park,) but I took it back to the dealer and they flashed the sales code and the behavior persists.
I had power running boards installed at the dealer. When are they supposed to park themselves?

About 90-95% of the time they seem to close immediately after putting the vehicle in gear. However, every so often they will remain deployed as I am driving away until I reach about 10MPH. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?

I thought it was because the dealer didn't flash the computer (originally had no way to manually deploy/park,) but I took it back to the dealer and they flashed the sales code and the behavior persists.

I have them on the Limited I purchased new. I have had no issues. The go up as soon as I park and come down as soon as I open the door. I also leave them extending when I park anywhere except home. The help protect from others opening their doors and dinging the truck
I had power running boards installed at the dealer. When are they supposed to park themselves?

About 90-95% of the time they seem to close immediately after putting the vehicle in gear. However, every so often they will remain deployed as I am driving away until I reach about 10MPH. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?

I thought it was because the dealer didn't flash the computer (originally had no way to manually deploy/park,) but I took it back to the dealer and they flashed the sales code and the behavior persists.
They’re timed; once the doors on the side where the board is deployed are closed for a few seconds, they retract. This has nothing to do with putting the vehicle in gear. A few of us have observed the odd occasion where they’ll fail to retract until we’re driving away.
I have them on the Limited I purchased new. I have had no issues. The go up as soon as I park and come down as soon as I open the door. I also leave them extending when I park anywhere except home. The help protect from others opening their doors and dinging the truck

The only way I could leave mine extended while parked is if I manually deploy them using the button on the Uconnect display. If you do that, do they auto retract when you get back in? I would surely forget to hit the button to retract them and end up driving around with them extended until one hit something...
The only way I could leave mine extended while parked is if I manually deploy them using the button on the Uconnect display. If you do that, do they auto retract when you get back in? I would surely forget to hit the button to retract them and end up driving around with them extended until one hit something...
I use the button in Uconnect as well and they do retract automatically. Had my truck a year now and have no issues with the steps.
It's happened to me several times. Doesn't go up until I start driving about 10 ft or so. Strange issue that happens only occasionally.
I had power running boards installed at the dealer. When are they supposed to park themselves?

About 90-95% of the time they seem to close immediately after putting the vehicle in gear. However, every so often they will remain deployed as I am driving away until I reach about 10MPH. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?

I thought it was because the dealer didn't flash the computer (originally had no way to manually deploy/park,) but I took it back to the dealer and they flashed the sales code and the behavior persists.
Same thing happens to mine
I use the button in Uconnect as well and they do retract automatically. Had my truck a year now and have no issues with the steps.

I actually learned this for myself at lunch today. I ran out to a place where I could wash my truck (just a quick bath). I used the Uconnect button to deploy the boards while I was washing the truck. When I was done, I got in, cranked 'er up, and heard the boards retract on their own. I can't remember if I put it in D first, started driving first, or if they did it just from starting the truck. Regardless, now I know that is one thing I don't have to worry about. :D
I too have had the running boards retract after I start moving. I'm guessing, but it I think it happens if I start the truck right before they retract. Maybe the start cycle interrupts the timing of when it retracts and the timing sequence starts over again.

IE: the boards were getting ready to retract - I start the truck - the timing countdown for them to retract starts over again.

Not sure how you can test this but it makes sense to me.
I too have had the running boards retract after I start moving. I'm guessing, but it I think it happens if I start the truck right before they retract. Maybe the start cycle interrupts the timing of when it retracts and the timing sequence starts over again.

IE: the boards were getting ready to retract - I start the truck - the timing countdown for them to retract starts over again.

Not sure how you can test this but it makes sense to me.
That theory makes sense I'm pretty quick to start the truck and get moving when I get in... so maybe that's why I've noticed it more. It seems like it should be programmed to start the retract cycle upon going into gear instead of on a dumb timer though.
I too have had the running boards retract after I start moving. I'm guessing, but it I think it happens if I start the truck right before they retract. Maybe the start cycle interrupts the timing of when it retracts and the timing sequence starts over again.

IE: the boards were getting ready to retract - I start the truck - the timing countdown for them to retract starts over again.

Not sure how you can test this but it makes sense to me.
I think it has something to do with the door latches, perhaps in combination with the start cycle. If you close the door while starting, it may interfere as you’ve suggested. What you’ll find (if you notice the step doesn’t retract) is that opening and closing the door will trigger it to retract. If you don’t notice that the step hasn’t retracted and proceed to drive away, my guess is that the auto door lock function (which happens at around 10 mph) is the next event that triggers the step to retract.
I thought I was going nuts! Thank you OP and others here for confirming my sanity. I could never figure out why occasionally I would hear the board retracting after driving a couple hundred feet. I can never duplicate it either. Factory installed too.
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This happens occasionally with my truck. I usually don't notice that the running board is still deployed till I hear it retract when I start moving.
That theory makes sense I'm pretty quick to start the truck and get moving when I get in... so maybe that's why I've noticed it more. It seems like it should be programmed to start the retract cycle upon going into gear instead of on a dumb timer though.

Add me to this list. I thought maybe I was occasionally hearing things but this about confirms it for me.

I would absolutely buy into a start cycle/shift into gear early explanation. I "get in and go" very frequently, so that would make sense.

I can all but confirm when I get in and shift into reverse very quickly, my backup camera turns on and never turns off, even when in drive. Only way to get it off is to manually open it from the on screen apps, which then gives you the "x" in the corner to get rid of it.

Thinking the failure to retract is a similar issue, and the safety override to retract them at speed kicks in once it is supposed to.
mine did this too but no big deal still better than the fixed one , btw gm and fords have the same issues i think there is no perfect power running boards out there
I can only get mine to stay retracted via uconnect. How are you guys getting them to stay deployed? (Factory OEM package)
I can only get mine to stay retracted via uconnect. How are you guys getting them to stay deployed? (Factory OEM package)
Via the Deploy Steps button on the Controls screen (same place as seat heat/fan).
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Mine do this intermittently too. At one point, the steps were deploying and retracting randomly, 1-2 times as I would be driving away at slow speed lol it was kind of embarrassing. Took it to the dealer and they couldn't do anything but I think they reset the battery and it fixed that exact issue so far but they still sometimes only retract after I'm driving away...

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