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Pop/clunk noise 2021 Ram Limited


New Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Hi, I just bought a 2021 Ram Limited with 23,000 miles. Truck is in perfect condition (except for this post).
Bought it, drove it home with no issues and the next day started to hear a pop or clunk noise from the front end. Started off when turning right, then some turns left, and some over normal road bumps. Dealer said it needs both lower control arms and sway bar….I have an extended warranty but how does it go from normal to needing All that in one day (I honestly don’t think what they are saying is the issue)..I will try and attach video.

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Do a search. You'll find many options from sway bar endlinks, to sway bar bushings, to body mounts, to brake calipers being loose, to incorrect wheel spacers, to....
I cant listen right now but i will tomorrow. However, I have been dealing with the similar for months.
First i went to the dealership. Paid them diag to dig in and find the issue. Even though im out of warranty i gave them the body mount TSB. They checked the mounts and sais they ate ok. At first they said they heard the clunk. Then that story changed to “we hesrd it once”. They literslly held my truck hostage. No updates, hard to get a hold of anyone. Finally got through and told them its been 2 weeks since, i need it back now. They said they found lca,axle and tie rod to be bad and it will be 3k. Hell no. I went and got it.
Replaced uca, lca, axles, end links, tie rods and swaybar bushings my self.
Old parts all looked totally fine.
Clunk was still there.

Took it to another shop that again couldnt duplicate it. So I went on a ride a long. As soon as he slowe down, clunk. Turn… clunk. Come on.
They inspected it.
They said they saw nothing wrong. I asked them to go over everything with the lift. They claim to have basically removed every bolt from the lift and reinstall snd torque to spec.
They signed off that nothing is wrong with the suspension.

Currently, I’m waiting for the bodymounts to arrive. I’ll do that myself… dealership wants tooo much to do 1.7 hrs of labor and 100 bucks in parts.

If this cures it, i will be raising a stink with the dealership that robbed me and lied to me.
I chased a clunk when going over speed bumps or uneven terrain for almost 4 years. Another member posted details of the body mounts, so I decided to try that. It solved my issue. Took less than 1 hour to do and changes the driving experience.

I did a Bilstein 5100 level and hoped that would fix the issue as I took the front end apart. Nope. New sway bar bushings - nope, new end links - nope, new UCAs - nope, torqued everything - nope, checked and retorqued both brake calipers - nope, replaced 4 cab body mounts - BINGO!
I chased a clunk when going over speed bumps or uneven terrain for almost 4 years. Another member posted details of the body mounts, so I decided to try that. It solved my issue. Took less than 1 hour to do and changes the driving experience.

I did a Bilstein 5100 level and hoped that would fix the issue as I took the front end apart. Nope. New sway bar bushings - nope, new end links - nope, new UCAs - nope, torqued everything - nope, checked and retorqued both brake calipers - nope, replaced 4 cab body mounts - BINGO!
This gives me hope. Now if only the y can ship my damn parts.

I seen different methods, but did you loosen both sides, then lift one side. Or only loosen one side and lift that side?
You need to loosen all 8 body mount bolts. Only remove one side at a time, but the opposite side being loose allows the body to tilt some off the frame. To prevent any creaking or binding, move the truck a little before tightening all of the bolts to torque to allow it to sit properly after you set it back onto the frame.
You need to loosen all 8 body mount bolts. Only remove one side at a time, but the opposite side being loose allows the body to tilt some off the frame. To prevent any creaking or binding, move the truck a little before tightening all of the bolts to torque to allow it to sit properly after you set it back onto the frame.
Thanks. I got my Power Mountain Tallboy jack today, just waiting on tbr actual parts now.

I have the power running boards, hopefully I dont have to remove them. Looks like I’ll have some clearance to get to the pinch welds when they are deployed.

Maybe I’ll do an instructionsl video since there isn’t much out there.

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