I love this discussion! I recently installed Bilstein 6112s on my Rebel. I used the 8th clip position, which supplies a 2" lift for the 4wd Rebel. Puts the truck dead level at ride height. Bilstein advertises no need for aftermarket UCAs... in fact I wrote to them and asked them specifically if new UCAs were needed with the Rebel since it's a little different animal, and they said no. There's been a lot of debate on this issue amongst Rebel owners. I know everyone is just trying to do and advise the "right thing" but you know how this can be amongst truck guys, and it's even more confusing when some sources say you'll be fine and others say your ball joint is going to break. I am curious if anyone here actually knows someone that this has happened to. I know some people get a "clunk" with the spacers and opt for new UCAs, which isn't what I'm asking. Has anyone actually lost a ball joint, or know someone who has because of rough angles after leveling? Pic of my angle after install - this is with the front tires off the ground. Thanks everybody!