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Opinions on Tesla


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
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I have my own opinions but curious what others think in regards to...

Is it an automotive company or tech company?

Stock evaluation. Is there still upside as it has low revenue and high evaluation?

Vehicles offered, quality, all around capability/performance.

Think Apple will or Toyota will blow them out of the water with technological advances or offerings?
I have my own opinions but curious what others think in regards to...

Is it an automotive company or tech company?

Stock evaluation. Is there still upside as it has low revenue and high evaluation?

Vehicles offered, quality, all around capability/performance.

Think Apple will or Toyota will blow them out of the water with technological advances or offerings?

Tesla stock is greatly overvalued, but that's the stock market and it sometimes doesn't follow logic.

However, as a car and their technology, it's probably second to none in their field. Apple (no way they are going into cars) and Toyota or any big manufacturer are on the back foot. There are key electronic parts on Teslas that would take 5-7 years for mainstream manufacturers to catch up to. A lot of this is based on legacy car builders being economically tied to their component subcontractors that Tesla isn't. They can innovate daily in ways they cannot.

The same company who broke down an early build Tesla 3, and criticize it's build quality to a 90s Hyundai also stated the electronics were simply on another level and couldn't believe how advanced Tesla was. The build quality is getting better, I've seen plenty of examples that seemed to have excellent fit and finish. But their ability to do over the air updates is vastly better than anyone else. Look at RAM, we all want Uconnect 5, but will have to buy a new truck in 2022 maybe to get it. If it was Tesla, you would simply wake up one day and have it there due to an update overnight.

Then there is their supercharger network, which is again 2nd to none. This is a big reason why people who want a daily driver EV buy them. They have the infrastructure to support them. Every major manufacturer so far that has produced a Tesla "fighter" hasn't come close in terms of sales. The Ford Mustang Mach-E is probably the closest one so far, speficially against the Model Y, but again weak charging support for truly everyday usability compared to Tesla. Interesting to see how well it will sell.
Invest in battery technology. Tesla is important but already pricy, in my opinion, and represents < 1% of automotive production. When the traditional players amp up EV production, there’s one thing they’ll all need...
Listened to an informed individual on EVs from a radio station. Brought out some very good points that I never heard from main stream news. Countries from where the raw materials are from seemed to be a concern from what I can recall. And just like oil the materials have limited supply. No real research in the matter but there is a lot more to the "stories" from what I could ascertain.
Invest in battery technology. Tesla is important but already pricy, in my opinion, and represents < 1% of automotive production. When the traditional players amp up EV production, there’s one thing they’ll all need...
So if their current evaluation is already over valued wouldn’t one assume that once their sales and profit increase properly to reflect current value that their share value will increase even more?
So if their current evaluation is already over valued wouldn’t one assume that once their sales and profit increase properly to reflect current value that their share value will increase even more?
As @SD Rebel indicated, stock price isn’t always logical. To be valued as high as the next 7 automakers combined while building so few cars suggests...optimism? Euphoria?

That said, I’d happily buy into Tesla if it took a big dip at some point.
About 15 million passenger vehicle is sold in the US every year, let's say Tesla captures 100% of the market share. Let's assume the average Tesla cost $50k, and the profit margin is a respectable 10%, that gives us annual profit of 15M * $50k * 10% = $75 billion. Let's say the P/E is 20, then the market value is 75*20= 1.5 trillion. About 100% up from where it is now.

You can use your own judgement to determine if those assumptions are realistic...

Then there is a quote from Charlie Munger on Elon Musk: never underestimate a man who overestimate himself.

Tech is incredible, but others are catching up with all features including battery.
They would have done better to license the tech.
Build quality is constantly improving. It was pretty rickshaw like in the early days.
I would lease one... but my need to go long trips with lotsa gear is incompatible with its utility.
Interesting (Australian) opinion here:

Always delivers. Just always late. Better than never delivering at all
Invest in battery technology. Tesla is important but already pricy, in my opinion, and represents < 1% of automotive production. When the traditional players amp up EV production, there’s one thing they’ll all need...
I agree,

Solid-state batteries show enormous promise. They do away with the liquid electrolyte that makes conventional lithium-ion batteries heavy, as well as dangerous at high temperatures. These batteries can be lighter, with greater energy density, more range, lower cost, and faster recharge times.

Sorry for bumping into an old conversation. Personally, I see Tesla as this awesome blend of automotive and tech magic! It's like they're turning cars into smart devices on wheels. I'm seriously impressed by the design and technical prowess! The futuristic, stylish, and unique tesla interior totally has me hooked – it's like stepping into a sci-fi movie every time you hop in! And can we talk about performance and environmental friendliness? High-speed and eco-conscious, what's not to love? I'm actually thinking of getting one in the near future – it's the perfect match for my lifestyle and preferences. The idea of cruising around in something that's both cutting-edge and eco-friendly is too exciting to resist!
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Meh. More choices is a good thing in itself. I am not enamored by the tech as many are. I believe we are leaving other viable options on the table by the industry following one mainstream.

The "clean energy" angle is a farce. Just too much to go into besides how electricity is generated to how lithium is mined and then disposed of.

Electric is clean for a congested area such as the city. It's relatively limited travel distance lends to city driving also. The regenerative braking in the constant changing traffic of the city is probably a better environment for electric also.

Drawbacks to the city is lack of charging. You miss out on savings if you have to pay to sit at a charging station. You can't pull into the driveway of your 5th floor apartment and plug in. If you do have the luxury of a spot to plug up, crime lends to that copper cable vanishing over night. The grid in the city is pretty tapped out. Rolling brown outs are needed in most areas now, think about increasing the load by 20% or so.

Right now, electric works for the suburbs with limited range drives. If that could get boosted to 500 mile ranges, it would be a big deal. For now it's still a limited market.

America is the home of the free. We like our open space and freedom. Gas cars give us that freedom.

As far as Tesla and the brand. No opinion. I do have to admire Musk though. He seems to make a lot of the right choices. He is to the point where he can afford to make the wrong ones and it doesn't matter much. Lose a few billion, make a few billion, who's counting?
I'm designing a new apartment project less than a mile from the Nikola plant. I did some research on them after going by their plant a few weeks ago. They're branching out from electric and also developing hydrogen fuel cells for semis. I decided to take a chance and just picked up some Nikola stock at $1.75. They're having issues so it's super cheap right now (and yes I do know they easily could go bust). They just recalled whatever electric semis they've already built so the stock took a big drop.
Hydrogen cells is another great tech we should focus on. I don't know how much is used for electric tech vs hydrogen ICE tech. ICE tech seems like it would be easier to use but I am far from knowledgeable on the subject.
Hydrogen cells is another great tech we should focus on. I don't know how much is used for electric tech vs hydrogen ICE tech. ICE tech seems like it would be easier to use but I am far from knowledgeable on the subject.
They aren’t really investing in hydrogen tech at the moment. I think it’s because this would violate the deals our current regime has made with big tech donors, and other countries. It does seem pretty good tho.
They aren’t really investing in hydrogen tech at the moment. I think it’s because this would violate the deals our current regime has made with big tech donors, and other countries. It does seem pretty good tho.
Yea, the Chicoms have lithium mines not hydrogen mines. The administration here pushes for lithium power subsidies. Strange huh? Like 10% strange.... 🤣
A friend of mine is a software engineer and did some work for Tesla on their mobile app. She purchased a Plaid during this time and I got to drive it once. Fastest thing I’ve ever been in - and if I had the money I’d buy a Model S for sure. It was mind blowing fast and at the same time - an everyday driver. I was impressed

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