I have tried most OTC leather care products in the past, but I once spoke to a few different regional Auto MFR representatives that deal with the local dealerships and their body shops, and they all told me the same thing. Most all modern interior cleaners will eventually damage your interior surfaces. I asked what they recommended. They all had the same response. Pledge. Standard. Classic. Lemon fresh Pledge. I have been using it for two years on different vehicles and it works pretty good. I use it on interior plastics, screens, and leather. Since the leather is top coated, all the pledge does is put a sacrificial thin layer of wax on top of it to protect it. Granted, I have ceramic tint on all my windows except the front where I put a sun shade to protect against UV. The pledge leaves a slight sheen initially allowing you to see where it was applied and then "dries" to a mat clean finish. It also helps to repel dust and prints. I sometimes use Endust, which I generally like more, but each product states right on the spray can that they can be used on autos and leather. On other cleaners/conditioners I have used in the past, they tend to leave a residue on the surface and change its color or appearance. When its hot the others typically will produce a film on the glass. I don't seem to have that problem with the pledge or Endust products.
What's everyone's opinion on this approach?
PS: I also had a body shop that is considered one of the best in my area, tell me that he puts pledge on ALL the exterior surfaces of his vehicles right after washing. Paint, plastic, glass, & chrome. It acts as a drying & polishing agent. It shines the car. It provides a layer of protection against bugs, dust, and other fallout. He says that when its starts getting dirty again, he just Easily wipes the bugs and dust off and re-pledges it again. Everything comes off easily as it is caught in the pledge wax and floats to the top. He also uses it as a very quick detailer. I haven't tried this yet, but he swears by it.