Here's my thought on it. Dave Ramsey drives me nuts, but I certainly agree with the concept of being fiscally responsible (for anyone interested, bogleheads is a forum with a little more reasonable approach), and I agree MOSTLY with the concept that leasing is not the greatest financial move. For me, I leased because 1. I've never leased before and have just been buying and swapping cars every few years so, wanted to see if this suited me any better. 2, the totally new 2019 I assumed would have a few bumps along the road. My plan is at the end of 3 years, decide if we want to buy or not, and most likely...I'll get into something new. I justify the expense as cars are my hobby, my transportation and...there's another way I justified it to myself but I cant think of it now

. For what my buddies spend on hunting and golf, I roll that into my vehicle budget. We are very fortunately, a high income household and medschool tuition has been paid off. I only say this because I believe if your household income is 50k a year, leasing a vehicle is taking way too big of slice out of the pie.
age 32 - undecided on lease/buy, bucket and paint.