You folks in the NE really know how to screw the citizens. I just read some of the details of the court case that the courts denied for diminished value. We, as consumers, pay insurance companies to protect our property, and others property, from loss. If a repaired car is identical to an all original car on a used car lot, the general consumer would choose the undamaged car over the repaired car, every time. Dealers know this and offer less for trade, even on a perfectly repaired car. The victim of the accident gets screwed out of the loss of value. All so the insurance companies, can continue their legalized extortion, and making millions, or billions in profits, annually.
I'm glad I live in Florida where there are protections in place for loss of value, when caused by a 3rd party. They should have to pay. What's the purpose of insurance? To make one whole again? Insurance companies aren't doing that if the consumer gets stuck with a value loss due to a 3rd parties negligence.