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I need some serious help?

1. Wrong truck to tow 10,000 lbs safely!
2. I’ll never own a black truck again in my life!
3. Yes a lift and bigger tires is going to make heavy towing harder on the truck. When I say heavy I don’t mean 10,000 lbs, revert back to answer #1!
I have a white 2004 Ram 1500 and I always thought the color was boring. It's a Laramie Lone Star edition so no chrome on it except the wheels. But, I could go months without looking at it and thinking, man I need to clean her.

Now I have my 2019 Ram 1500, was SO EXCITED to get it all blacked out. She's beautiful.. when she's clean for all of 10 minutes. It's not just keeping her clean, it's more like.. Let me check the weather multiple times a day so I can decide IF I'm going to wash her because it's not worth spending hours if it's just going to rain in two days. Finally get a week of no rain (at least that's the prediction) COOL! Let me spend 3 hours cleaning her up - can't miss a spot because it'll stick out like a sore thumb. Assuming the weather prediction was right.. Now you have to think about the dust which is almost just as bad as the dirty rain. Layer of dust isn't pretty either. Then you got neighbors who mow their lawn and get the grass all over the road - or just mowing their yard and the wind isn't in your favor and now you have a grassy dusty dirty truck. Condensation on your truck in the morning? You bet there will be dirt spots on it when it dries. Drive by a construction zone with the wind coming towards you? Bet it'll get dirty just driving by that too. Hit a water puddle on the road? Yup dirty. Let's not even get me started with how easily the tail gate and rear bumper is just a magnet for dust and dirt. I could go on lol..

So yea, black truck is beautiful when she's clean but she isn't for long. Definitely getting silver next time lol..
EXACTLY. My Billet Silver looks good almost all the time. If white or black are the only two choices… Then white.

regarding the weight class… HD is the way to go… If for no other reason then one of the most common diseases on the planet is biggerboat -itis. You are, in the best case, completely maxed out with a 1500. Future proof yourself and jump to the 3500. Small price to pay over the 2500, and you will almost always get most of that back because they retain value so well.
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I would never tow 10k or more in a light duty half ton full size, aka 1500 or equivalent. A 2500 would be perfect for that, that’s what we use. There’s more than just towing capacity that is factored in as was mentioned I’m sure: payload, tongue weight, etc.

As for color, I never understood why people say Black is the hardest to keep clean. I think White is. Black is next, white picks up all the mud and dirt even more so; especially from winter and off road environments the most. Black is also the most classy imo, gives it the VIP or opera house look. Black is the go to for any car I think. White is kinda a grandma or construction color. No offense to all those white trucks on here 😬. The silver and greys are kinda bland. Specifically for Limited’s, all the colors suck, that’s why I went Black; kinda the go to. Hydro Blue, Flame Red, Olive Green, and the Walnut Brown (For the HD’s now) look good if you’re looking at the lower trims. The 1500 Built to Serve Special Edition Colors are sick too, but those are very uncommon compared to the run of the mill stuff.
I ordered silver for that very reason. White is bla, black is gorgeous for 15 minutes. Hoping Silver splits the difference.
My thoughts exactly and why I ordered Billet Silver.
I ordered silver for that very reason. White is bla, black is gorgeous for 15 minutes.
That’s exactly how I feel, I stick to silvers and greys, no dark colors, nothing that will show swirl marks, and white trucks always make me think of a company or fleet trucks. The paint has gotten so bad/thin on American vehicles that scratches are inevitable!

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