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Ford F250s the proven hyper aggressive killer…..


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2021
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Meanwhile, the hyperaggressive macho-truck trend has been enormously profitable for the auto industry—particularly the Detroit-based Big Three.

I can't remember all the details but I'm fairly certain govt sided with big auto in like the 1920s to make jaywalking a crime so that drivers of automobiles would not be held accountable to killing people anymore. That coupled with ever increasing speed limits got us to where we are today.
"Over the long term, we have to shift our focus from blaming individuals when they are struck by cars—“Did you look both ways?”—to addressing the systemic factors that put them at risk. The government can no longer allow the auto industry to treat walkers and bikers like collateral damage."
I would say as per Warner Wolf:
"Let's go to the video tape"
No data in article on causes just :poop:.

30+ years in the front seat of am emergency vehicle gives you in sight into Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.
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"Over the long term, we have to shift our focus from blaming individuals when they are struck by cars—“Did you look both ways?”—to addressing the systemic factors that put them at risk. The government can no longer allow the auto industry to treat walkers and bikers like collateral damage."

30+ years in the front seat of am emergency vehicle gives you in sight into Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.
I agree with your message. Still at the end of the day we all have to answer for our actions of the day. I've got a million plus miles logged in semis long ago. No accidents in all those miles somehow. Had my share of oh **** moments, like any other professional driver. Which brings me to my point. All the rules and regs won't make a difference if you don't have the right attitude about safety. I don't see how that can be legislated. It isn't the truck, it's the operator. We all have to pay attention. How many times has the A pillar covered up another vehicle at an intersection, or a pedestrian? When did it become acceptable to run a straight up glaring red light because you THINK you can make it?

I've been riding motorcycles all my life, coast to coast. All my miles and experiences have taught me to keep my cool and be more observant. Your skills are most likely greater than mine. With all the distracted driver's out there, it takes some ice cold steel nerves to do what you do, and then function in a mess when you arrive. Hats off to you sir. Be careful.

What has gotten out of hand on the newer Superduty Fords is three LED headlights on each front corner. Came home in the rain and fog on a two lane road last night. Got blinded by an all lit up Superduty. Got my bearings back about 50 yards in front of a big buck deer standing in the road. He zigged and I zagged and I'm here to tell about it tonight fortunately. Headlights like need to be dealt with. Never could find big bucks like that when I hunted deer. That big rack must be part of the reason why you never can find them when your hunting them!
I don't know I saw a report years back that showed it's better for a person to get hit by a vehicle with a tall front end as it spreads out the impact on the body instead of just snapping your legs in half. I guess it you get hit in the head that would be another story.

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