I just got done with my first oil change, and I'm very glad I did it when I did. For the last almost 20 years, I've had a new vehicle either every year or every other year and have never seen oil this black on a first oil change. I haven't had the oil tested, but I'm guessing I wouldn't like the results. Why people wait more than 1-2k miles for the first change is beyond me.
For the filter, Mongo the oil filter tightener must've been replaced by Frank because I had no issue loosening it with a short metal strap wrench positioned near the base of the filter (where it's strongest). Sure it was tight, but nowhere near what people are claiming. I haven't found the writeup for the two-ziplock bag method, so I used one gallon ziplock and it worked perfectly. Pics of the gross oil and ziplocked filter are below.