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FCA shipped my truck without Two Tone Paint

First Ram

Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
Truck was ordered on 8-26. It was delayed until about two weeks ago when it finally moved into D1 status. The dealer is expecting it to arrive just after Christmas. They called me today to let me know that they checked the status of the delivery and noticed that it shipped without two tone paint. I have a copy of the build sheet at the point of order and I have a copy of the build sheet when FCA assigned a VIN number to the truck. Both show the order with two tone paint. Can FCA just change an order? Does this ever happen? It sounds like most trucks in my situation just sit in a holding pattern until there are enough for them to run through at once. I wasn't excited about the 3.5 month wait I was currently under, but I was waiting for the truck I ordered, not one that I could have pulled off any lot 2 months ago. Has anyone ever experienced this?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2018
Reaction score
Truck was ordered on 8-26. It was delayed until about two weeks ago when it finally moved into D1 status. The dealer is expecting it to arrive just after Christmas. They called me today to let me know that they checked the status of the delivery and noticed that it shipped without two tone paint. I have a copy of the build sheet at the point of order and I have a copy of the build sheet when FCA assigned a VIN number to the truck. Both show the order with two tone paint. Can FCA just change an order? Does this ever happen? It sounds like most trucks in my situation just sit in a holding pattern until there are enough for them to run through at once. I wasn't excited about the 3.5 month wait I was currently under, but I was waiting for the truck I ordered, not one that I could have pulled off any lot 2 months ago. Has anyone ever experienced this?

Search my two tone paint thread. I gave up on two tone. they stopped painting those way back. Some rumors are that they are building a new paint area just for two tone. Who knows, like a lot of big companies they don't feel it necessary to let you know what is up.

First Ram

Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
Search my two tone paint thread. I gave up on two tone. they stopped painting those way back. Some rumors are that they are building a new paint area just for two tone. Who knows, like a lot of big companies they don't feel it necessary to let you know what is up.
They've told me that they're not sure when the new paint shop will be up and running, which is annoying, but fine. I was just willing to wait. Just don't know why they decided to build the truck and ship it with out approval of a change. We can't even reorder to get back in line as the two tone paint isn't an available option to choose right now.


Mask tape scuff shoot polish. Dealer should take care of it.


Ram Guru
Aug 4, 2018
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
I ordered my loaded Rebel on April 4 and dealer said I couldn't get two tone flame red with black lower. I went through a broker with AAA a day later and he got it ordered two tone with a different dealer. It finally got built in late July (with 2 tone) and it came in mid August to dealer. It was the first two tone delivered in our area. Portland, Oregon. The dealer should be able to paint lower rocker area and get reimbursed by FCA Chrysler as it is on build sheet, or give you a discount on a new order. Just installed Magnaflow cat back. Nice deep rumble without any bark and minimal inside noise at cruise rpm's. Kick throttle hard and it sets you back in seat and you think you are back in high school driving your Chevelle, V8 Mustang, or Road Runner with pipes.:giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle: IMG_3291.JPG IMG_3296.JPG IMG_3406.JPG IMG_3432.JPG

First Ram

Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
Dealer paints it for no charge ...........or....... no sale and the deposit is refunded ?
My dealer says they are reaching out to their rep to see if Ram will cover the cost. I'm sure I know the answer. Dealer has offered my deposit back, but after waiting nearly 4 months, I just want the truck I ordered, even if it means another couple months. But it sounds like FCA decided to make it much more difficult on me by just shipping the truck to remove my order...

First Ram

Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
I ordered my loaded Rebel on April 4 and dealer said I couldn't get two tone flame red with black lower. I went through a broker with AAA a day later and he got it ordered two tone with a different dealer. It finally got built in late July (with 2 tone) and it came in mid August to dealer. It was the first two tone delivered in our area. Portland, Oregon. The dealer should be able to paint lower rocker area and get reimbursed by FCA Chrysler as it is on build sheet, or give you a discount on a new order. Just installed Magnaflow cat back. Nice deep rumble without any bark and minimal inside noise at cruise rpm's. Kick throttle hard and it sets you back in seat and you think you are back in high school driving your Chevelle, V8 Mustang, or Road Runner with pipes.:giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle: View attachment 11063 View attachment 11064 View attachment 11065 View attachment 11066
Looks great! Congrats.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2018
Reaction score
I would be just as frustrated as you are. Because like you said, you coukd have probably just found at a dealer months ago whatever you ordered... without the two tone. Seems like the two tone was probably the POINT of the build and willingness to wait.

I feel ya.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2018
Reaction score
Truck was ordered on 8-26. It was delayed until about two weeks ago when it finally moved into D1 status. The dealer is expecting it to arrive just after Christmas. They called me today to let me know that they checked the status of the delivery and noticed that it shipped without two tone paint. I have a copy of the build sheet at the point of order and I have a copy of the build sheet when FCA assigned a VIN number to the truck. Both show the order with two tone paint. Can FCA just change an order? Does this ever happen? It sounds like most trucks in my situation just sit in a holding pattern until there are enough for them to run through at once. I wasn't excited about the 3.5 month wait I was currently under, but I was waiting for the truck I ordered, not one that I could have pulled off any lot 2 months ago. Has anyone ever experienced this?
So what color will the bumpers be, painted, chrome? Generally a dealer can do a good job painting your truck if that is the way you want to go, but there is nothing as good as the original paint. I would ask for compensation from FCA in addition to the paint. The rep will work with you I am sure. Maybe a service contract or something if you are lucky. Who knows. If not just reorder what you want and wait. You are spending a ton of money.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2018
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Mtns of PA
Here's my take, you want the truck that you want. Anything less will eat at you, and you will resent it more and more each payment you make. Let's face it, if you are here as a member and you ordered a truck your way, then you certainly have this type of personality. So, don't settle and regret it.

Unless you are also facing swapping chrome bumpers for paintable ones, it's not so bad and should be able to be done locally. I would personally suggest that if you have factory fender flares, that you request that a new set of ready-to-paint ones are ordered for the two-toning and not trying to refinish already painted ones. Make sure you have it in writing that the two toning will be covered in the limited finished warranty and then enjoy! Some argue that a factory finish is the best, but I do not necessarily agree. Both my 2014 and 2019 have plenty of blemishes in the paint from the factory. Some were/can be corrected, some that you live with. This included encapsulated dirt, orange peel, runs, fan tails, and blobs of paint. I have dealt with many painters and many shops that would never allow this to roll out the door.

Who knows, maybe this is a blessing if you ordered a truck with the offroad group and plan on rolling it through that terrain where you maybe want a color-matched Line-X applied to the lower! :)

No matter what you do, do not accept a truck you cannot live with and :) every time you look at it and drive it!
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Central Illinois
My thoughts are in line with geotex1. Get what you want and paid for. The waiting can be bad, but worth it in the end.

I would definitely expect some compensation for the error from FCA. It is not the dealers fault.


Ram Guru
Oct 2, 2018
Reaction score
I would definitely expect some compensation for the error from FCA. It is not the dealers fault.

Expect in one hand, receive in the other, won't happen.

i follow 100% the OP wanting the color he chose. the fact FCA did/would/could not commuicate to the dealer is very poor.
is it up to the dealer to periodically verify what was ordered is indeed being built? i doubt it, not enough care for the buyer out there.

alot of you forum members love the colors red and black, single or two-tone, those are my deal breaker colors. it is a matter of preference. when i was shopping i was looking at silver, white, or blue vehicle. i hate to add salt to the wound, but i got a blue and silver unit, because SHMBO really liked it.

i know this post may not help you much Mr. First RAm, but in the long run it is the truck you buy, not particularly the color of the truck you buy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2018
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My guess is FCA told the dealer of the issue and the dealer dropped the ball either because he forgot, did not care or figured the guy would just accept it because he waited so long. I find it hard to beleive FCA would just dump this vehicle on the customer without notifying the dealer what was happening to this special order in advance. Of course the dealer might have told FCA they would just put it in inventory if the customer won't take it. No matter what, it sucks if you are this customer and if this customer decides to take the vehicle, he is due some compensation.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2018
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My guess is that somebody made a mistake and the choices are to accept delivery of the vehicle (minus the cost of the two-tone paint and maybe a discount if you didn't already get the best possible deal), or wait until March - April to get the exact truck you want.

I'd be pissed, too.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
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It's worth noting that there have been significant price increase's since you ordered your truck. I'd try working with the dealer to see it the two tone you want can be done by them or at a reputable shop for your quoted price.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2018
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PAR-QXJ 2-tone ordered Oct 31 ~ delivered Nov 23

First Ram

Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
I certainly appreciate all the support. Doing my best not to be a drama queen about the color of a truck, but just frustrated about waiting as long as I have for nothing. My salesman and I had been in touch probably 6 or 7 times while I was waiting to let me know about the paint delays. We even discussed possibly bringing the truck in, in monotone and having it painted here. They quoted this as a $4000 option. I declined and said I'll wait as long as it takes. I really doubt that the dealer told FCA to ship it. Over the past couple days my salesman has been in contact with his Ram representatives to see what kind of compensation Ram will provide. They have told him that Ram will not be painting anymore two tone trucks for the 2019 model year and will not provide any compensation outside of removing the cost of the two tone.

My dealer now wants to talk about putting a vinyl wrap in place of the two tone...


Ram Guru
Aug 4, 2018
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
I certainly appreciate all the support. Doing my best not to be a drama queen about the color of a truck, but just frustrated about waiting as long as I have for nothing. My salesman and I had been in touch probably 6 or 7 times while I was waiting to let me know about the paint delays. We even discussed possibly bringing the truck in, in monotone and having it painted here. They quoted this as a $4000 option. I declined and said I'll wait as long as it takes. I really doubt that the dealer told FCA to ship it. Over the past couple days my salesman has been in contact with his Ram representatives to see what kind of compensation Ram will provide. They have told him that Ram will not be painting anymore two tone trucks for the 2019 model year and will not provide any compensation outside of removing the cost of the two tone.

My dealer now wants to talk about putting a vinyl wrap in place of the two tone...
Interesting about two tone as it is no cost on Rebel, your choice either monotone or two tone. I pressed to get two tone in April as there was a delay in two tone ordering ability. I really wanted flame red with black on bottom, like Rebel in Ram brochures and website. Finally truck arrived in August. I can't imagine any body shop charging $4000 to paint the rockers. May need to drop rear bumper and pull flares but simple job for the professionals. You should push to get vehicle at invoice plus any incentives and go find a good bodyshop that will finish the truck the way you want it........Or walk away and find another truck just like what you want at another dealer. Many around my city discount price to near invoice on their website. Get the main color, model, and equipment then take it to the body shop. Make it unique with *****your**** choice of lower color that no one else has. Don't settle for a wrap. ......just my 2 cents...... definitely get 33 gallon tank


Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
Reaction score
I certainly appreciate all the support. Doing my best not to be a drama queen about the color of a truck, but just frustrated about waiting as long as I have for nothing. My salesman and I had been in touch probably 6 or 7 times while I was waiting to let me know about the paint delays. We even discussed possibly bringing the truck in, in monotone and having it painted here. They quoted this as a $4000 option. I declined and said I'll wait as long as it takes. I really doubt that the dealer told FCA to ship it. Over the past couple days my salesman has been in contact with his Ram representatives to see what kind of compensation Ram will provide. They have told him that Ram will not be painting anymore two tone trucks for the 2019 model year and will not provide any compensation outside of removing the cost of the two tone.

My dealer now wants to talk about putting a vinyl wrap in place of the two tone...
Vinyl wrap doesn't sound like a bad idea, i would consider that. Actually has got me thinking about doing that to mine now.

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