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Dog's not happy - I'm confused.

Our dog wasn't great in our vehicles until we got the backseat hammock like someone described above, now she does pretty well overall. We also started giving her CBD dog treats to help calm her down a little bit (but not take her personality away), in fact we ended up starting our own dog treat business as a result of it and now offer them to others.

Not sure if it works for every case, but it has helped our little pup out and some of our friends dogs as well for various ailments.

Good luck to everyone in here that may be having these issues, it's really tough not being able to have them be comfortable when you need to take them places. It has me a little concerned about my longhorn on order (just due to the ANC potential issue).
my girl has always been scared in cars. She's a very weird dog. Got her from the pound about 4 yrs ago & she's damaged goods. Best dog I've ever had, love her to death, but she's had some experiences in her previous life that have permanently scarred her. She's scared of EVERYTHING & when she rides in a car she shakes so much we worry she's gonna have a heart attack!

Sucks, because like I said, she's sooooo well behaved, but we don't take her anywhere because we don't want to stress her out.
Found this post linked from another...I am intrgued. My dog - 100lbpitbull loves getting in the truck. He has never been a big window dog, much more content to have is head in my lap like right now on the couch. LOL! So he looooves getting in the truck but I have noticed recently that he will lay down completely or sit like a sad seal...like he is not having a good time from when he bounced himself in there. This thread ahs made me think there is something going on...and I have stock muffler, etc.

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