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Do I have to carry the key everywhere?

Hello everyone,,
I recently switched to a 2019 longhorn from my Ford F-150.
One feature that I loved on the F-150 is the keypad on the exterior of the door. It allowed me to keep the key inside the car at all times and unlock and lock the doors from the keypad. I do lots of hiking and kayaking in remote areas and it is nice to not have to worry about carrying a car key with me.

I do not see a keypad on my Dodge. Am I required to bring the key everywhere I go? Or can I keep the key inside and lock and unlock the doors without having my key on me?
Not unless you are schooled in the Art of Jedi Mind Tricks and can press that "unlock" button with your eyes :D
Now everyone on the internet knows that if you come across a Ford parked in a remote area, there's a good chance that the fob will be inside. :ROFLMAO:

I honestly don't know why it's a big deal to have the key/fob on you. I always have mine with me. When I kayak I bring a dry box for things like my keys, wallet, and phone. When I'm hiking I keep those things either in a pack or just keep them in my pocket. I wouldn't keep my key anywhere on or in my vehicle if I'm leaving it in a remote spot for any length of time.

Threads like this kind of make me miss the days when there were no fobs, and you locked, unlocked, and started your car with the actual key LOL.
No doubt. I don't want to be obnoxious, but I just can't think of many other ways to say it: I think purposely locking your keys/key fob in the vehicle because you don't want to carry an object that weighs an ounce is just damned stupid :p . If you told a locksmith 30 years ago that you did that, he'd laugh at you and charge you double for being a dumbass! Just because a vehicle has a keypad on the door (which I also think looks tacky, but anyway) doesn't mean it can't fail or that the power won't go dead. For that matter, if you really, really don't want to carry the keyfob around then get one of those magnetic hide-a-key setups, put it on the frame somewhere and do that.
If the fob isn't in the faraday pouch, it's in the cab, so 1) Things stay active and run down the battery and 2) Anyone with a slimjim or a rock can get in, start it, and drive away.
As I already mentioned, the OP asking the question already said he left the keys in his Ford with the keypad, so this would be no different.

As for runnjng down the battery, the truck is smart enough to prevent that. People leave thier keys in vehicles parked in garage all the time with zero issues.
As I already mentioned, the OP asking the question already said he left the keys in his Ford with the keypad, so this would be no different.

As for runnjng down the battery, the truck is smart enough to prevent that. People leave thier keys in vehicles parked in garage all the time with zero issues.
True statement, I leave my key in my truck all day everyday at work without any kind of faraday bag and have no battery issues.
As I understand it, if you leave your key in the vehicle and the vehicle gets stolen the cops will laugh at you.
The OP may have specific reasons for not wanting to carry a FOB while out and about, so to say its stupid is a bit much. For example I surf, therefore we surfers can not carry a FOB in our shorts or wetsuits while out in the water. Back in the day, before smart FOBs, one could simply tether the key in your suit and be good to go, but with all the new electronics that option no longer exist. We are now forced to hide the key somewhere in the truck / vehicle / sand / rocks or use some other locking option such as a combo lock box, hitch box, ect to safely (relatively) store the fob.

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