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dash cluster


New Member
Dec 6, 2018
Reaction score
Anyone else have a light brown streak in the middle of the digital speed display on the dash cluster?
Looks like its part of the background because the 0 covers it partially. Like when they took the pic then put it on the dash. Hopefully some other people that have the same dash can look and see if theirs are the same.
Try changing the theme to make the background a different color and see if the same thing appears. Try to narrow down if it's the theme color or the tft display. Go through all the themes and see if it replicates.
Try changing the theme to make the background a different color and see if the same thing appears. Try to narrow down if it's the theme color or the tft display. Go through all the themes and see if it replicates.
I have the non-nav radio, so I do not have themes.
Mine has that too. I think it is there to appear like a reflection, like the numbers are "shiny" so to speak. Artists do this when trying to simulate chrome or a reflection in a painting. Just my $.02

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