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Console to jump seat swap


New Member
Nov 8, 2021
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Hello everyone, appreciate this forum as it helped me successfully swap out my center console for a jump seat in my 1500 bighorn. I am however struggling with the wiring. I am not able to find the part number for the wiring harness to connect the media hub in The storage drawer insert? Is there a harness up in the dash for this or is there a harness to go from the jump seat to the main harness that includes this. Any info is appreciated and thanks everyone!image.jpg
There should have been the cable from the console. It is a USB plug that was plugged in the console's media hub.
I just did a similar swap and have the same issue. I have a 2021 crew cab big horn and swapped the center console for the jump seat. The plug from under the dash that plugged in to the console, matched the seat but not the under dash ports. I've had no luck figuring this out and the local dealer hasn't been much help. If you figure something out, please let me know

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