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Compass not working??


Ram Guru
Nov 21, 2018
Reaction score
San Antonio
Just noticed compass isn’t working. Did some searching, not finding anything. I don’t know how long it’s been like this just saw it for about a week now. Says acquiring signal.....
Did it start working again? I went on a road trip recently, about 1,000 miles round trip, and the compass quit working a few hundred miles into the return drive. It also said acquiring signal. We stopped a couple of hours later and turned off the truck for about 30 minutes. The compass was working again when I started it and has been working since (this was on 1/14/21). That's the only time I've noticed it not working and I have been on that exact route before.
YesterdayI noticed my compass was indicating exactly opposite direction. Going north indicating south.
YesterdayI noticed my compass was indicating exactly opposite direction. Going north indicating south.
Mine on my 2018 Bighorn is doing the same thing. I've been to the dealer they replaced the compass module, now it's only 90 degrees off. Now they tell me the have to contact an engineer for his input. If you find out what's wrong please post and I will do the same.
I wish the compass didn't just click to the eight directions, but actually showed you if you're going NNW or SSE.
The same antenna that controls the compass controls the GPS system on your phone when it's plugged in. It's a PITA when it loses signal and you have to unplug your phone to have some sort of functional GPS.
Apr 13, 2021 - My 2019 Ram compass isn't working now... 1st time since i bought the truck.
On the speedo screen the Compass is almost 180 degrees off (if i'm heading South, it says "N")... and on the Unconnect, my location is actually about 45 km south west of my actual location... so consequently the Nav (ie when i put in an adress to go to, it has my start point way way off from actual)... How can this be fixed? Absolutely nothing on it in the manual.
Apr 13, 2021 - My 2019 Ram compass isn't working now... 1st time since i bought the truck.
On the speedo screen the Compass is almost 180 degrees off (if i'm heading South, it says "N")... and on the Unconnect, my location is actually about 45 km south west of my actual location... so consequently the Nav (ie when i put in an adress to go to, it has my start point way way off from actual)... How can this be fixed? Absolutely nothing on it in the manual.
Got the same thing going on. Compass way off, navigation puts me on the wrong side of the Chesapeake bay.
Zero GPS satellites received and my in truck Wi-Fi is down also.
I am sitting tight and waiting for more information to surface before going to the dealer.
Got the same thing going on. Compass way off, navigation puts me on the wrong side of the Chesapeake bay.
Zero GPS satellites received and my in truck Wi-Fi is down also.
I am sitting tight and waiting for more information to surface before going to the dealer.

I had a this issue last year with my 8.4 Nav. At first the compass was off and then I noticed my location being off by about 200 miles on the native nav map. After trying to figure what was going on I also noticed my Wifi wasn’t working either. So, I took it to the dealer and they could not fix the issue and they even worked with an FCA engineer to help troubleshoot to no avail. They ordered a new head unit which eventually arrived a few months later due to some sort of backlog. Everything is working fine now with the new head unit so far... funny enough, I got on the forum to research a message I received on the head unit of a new software update which was going to take about 45 minutes to install and then I came across this thread.

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Did you find a solution? I am having this same issue all of a sudden. Compass and maps are off. I tried resetting everything and even disconnected the battery for 2 hours with no resolution.
We are overdue for a geomagnetic reversal.

Would Ram cover that under warranty?
I do not have built in Nav on my 2022 Big Horn. Would that make a difference? The compass worked for 5k miles, last week it quit. The dealer stated that it's because the truck doesn't have Nav which is required to operate the compass. It's ironic that it worked up until last week. The dealer could not explain it when I asked.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
I do not have built in Nav on my 2022 Big Horn. Would that make a difference? The compass worked for 5k miles, last week it quit. The dealer stated that it's because the truck doesn't have Nav which is required to operate the compass. It's ironic that it worked up until last week. The dealer could not explain it when I asked.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Hold the power and tune button down until the system resets itself. Happened on mine, I have the 8.4 but no nav.
What compass are you referring to? I've found on mine that the compass in the EVIC display needs the radio to be turned on. I don't know if this is normal or supposed to be, but it's consistent.
What compass are you referring to? I've found on mine that the compass in the EVIC display needs the radio to be turned on. I don't know if this is normal or supposed to be, but it's consistent.
EVIC on mine. It stopped completely even with the radio on.
Had the compass stop working recently on my 2020 1500 Laramie. I noticed at the time my clock wouldn't automatically update either (8.4 without navigation). It was still covered under warranty. After looking at it, my dealer replaced the radio & all is well now.
Mine stopped working as well. Mad on the upper left of the speedo cluster. It disappeared. Going to try and do the reset. If not, going to the dealer. Only has 3k mikes. Sucks!!!!
As mentioned, I have a 2020 1500 Laramie with the 8.4, non-nav system. I first noticed that the field in the EVIC I had set to be the compass setting did not show a direction, it was an empty circle. I went to the "U Apps" screen & selected "Compass"; that screen just displayed "Acquiring Signal" & never changed.

I then determined my clock was not keeping the correct time. I went into the "Settings" screen & selected "Clock". The first selection in that screen is something to the effect of "Sync clock with GPS signal". Again - I DO NOT HAVE NAV. It didn't matter whether or not that was selected or not, it had no bearing on the time - I could manually set the clock 2 hours off & select "Sync with GPS", the clock never reset. Previously, it had always set itself when I travelled into the next time zone & also for Daylight Savings Time.

The technicians at my dealer also seemed to believe I thought I had Navigation since I told them it seemed my radio was not receiving a GPS signal. In the end, my radio was replaced under warranty.

A word: my radio had to be replaced twice, as the first replacement was defective too but for other reasons. I believe the policy is the same as for cell phones: the warranty replacement is a refurbished unit. The first unit would frequently shut down & reboot at will. The 2nd replacement is working fine.

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