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Center console conversion?


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
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Quick question and I know this may sound ridiculous but hear me out. I'm stuck between 2 trucks. One has 4x4 and a 3rd seat and the other is 4x2 with the center console. At this dealer to get 4x4 AND the center console you have to look in the 50k bracket of their inventory.

Before anyone says shop other dealers, this will be my 3rd vehicle from this place and they've always given me great deals so I've stayed with them.

My question: Is it possible/uncostly to remove the 3rd seat and install the center console?
Possible I'm sure, cost is the wild card.. being a return customer should help, talk to them and see what they tell you maybe they'd be willing to do it. The price if you can deal with it will be up to you
Just curious, what did you end up doing? I just picked up a bench seat truck and was curious if anyone had ever converted one to a console.
The dealer I bought my ‘19 Big Horn did a swap with another dealer to get what I wanted. Have you discussed that with your dealer? This was not the first time I have done this.
Want to swap your center seat for my console? I want a bench seat in my rebel.

Curious if anyone has done this swap out and if it’s pretty much plug and play? I have a 2019 Laramie with center jumpseat and I kind of want to swap it out for a console.
Me and member rlc2020 are in the process of doing the swap now. He’s got my console and I’m getting his seat. Apparently he’s gotten the console in but it took some wiring work. I’ll let him chime in on his efforts. We are swapping front carpets as well as the other obvious hardware because the carpeting is different in each setup. Hoping to be able to do my center seat install by early next week.
Wow, magic happens here. I’m going to buy a Laramie with the center console and want to have a bench seat instead. Anyone interested in swapping with mine? :)
Console is mostly in. The wiring harness for the seat is routed between the seats, the console harness is under the radio in the dash. There was an issue with making the harness reach, I had to unwind the factory harness and separate everything. Some ding dong at the factory had some of the wires crossed so I ended up having to cut a few and splice them back together. The dash USB cluster in the bench seat model has it's own set of plugs and a second plug for the rear cluster, the console just uses 1 plug and the harness in the console does the front and rear USB clusters. This created a bit of an issue as the truck wont recognize the front power ports. I believe this can be programmed by the dealer though. I have spoken to them and will be bringing the truck in to have them take a look at it.

The service manager for my local CDJR dealer is a personal friend of mine so he will hook it up if it is possible.

I have to say, it was a lot of tedious work getting the seats out, messing with the wiring, swapping over the mounting brackets, etc. But it is doable and well worth it if you want to make the switch either way.


Just wanted to touch base as we are considering the same swap. Did you guys manage to get the truck recognize the front power ports/USB ports finally?
Not yet on my end, The 110v outlet works, but the USB ports do not. Working on a resolution now. SNB107 is installing my seat in his truck as we speak and can chime in with his results. I may need make changes to the way I spliced the wiring harness, it would probably be best if you are doing the swap to exchange wiring harnesses too or order the correct one instead of trying to make it work with what's there like I did.

It would be great if you can create a tutorial for us who had a pair of dumb hands lol
From my end of installing the center seat into a console truck, I was able to plug in my existing wiring into the seat which gave power to the back seat USBs and the power outlet, so a win there, but it left no way of powering up the new USBs and power outlet located in the center lower dash. I’ve ordered a wiring harness from a Mopar online store that will hopefully let me bridge the gap. Status says shipping on the 12th so probably still a week away before I can say if it works.

I’ll leave everyone with a little teaser photo of something you don’t see everyday. Will do a more in depth write up when I have it all figured out and the interior all closed up from surgery.

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I should have taken more pictures, but here is a basic over view:

Removing Bench Seat:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bqkqbx5cv4wqx6/Front Center Seat - Removal and Installation.pdf?dl=0

The Mounting brackets are different as are the wiring harnesses, The seat uses just a large bracket at the rear with 4 bolts and the front bolts directly to the floor, The console uses a different rear bracket with only 2 bolts and a second bracket mounted under the dash. That bracket will need to be mounted with your own nuts and bolts and washers since the bench seat trucks do not have a threaded hole for them to bolt into. This was very easy though after a quick trip to the hardware store.

As for the dash trim, the bench seat dash has a large pull out storage drawer with a USB cluster and a power outlet. This comes out easily with 4 phillips screws and some pop out trim clips. The console trucks have 2 small trim pieces on either side of the console that will need to be swapped.

The carpeting is different and does need to be swapped for a perfect install, the removal wasn't too bad, but the front seats do need to come out (4 star socket bolts each seat) and some trim along the door sills needs to be popped out for that to happen.

The HVAC ducting mounts the same at the dash, but there is a small piece from the bench seat truck that needs to be swapped. The console directly connects to the dash outlet, the bench trucks have a small section that connects the bench to the dash.

As for wiring, I am currently looking into ordering the correct harness for a console truck as the USB hookups from my bench seat truck did not reach. I may just cut and splice some more wiring if I can't find the correct harness to order. The parts guy at my dealership had no idea what I had done and couldn't really help me.

The stock setup for a bench truck has a front harness and a rear harness, neither of which will reach the console plug-in that is near the bottom front of the console. I had to unwind the factory harness between the seats and separate the specific wires I needed and splice in some extensions. In hindsight, I should have just ordered the correct harness and waited a few days, but I was impatient. The harnesses could probably be swapped out by taking the dash apart and exchanging them, but we did the swap via ups so I didn't want to have to pull my dash apart and wait to finish install as this is my daily driver. That would be the only thing I would have done differently.

Seat / carpet removed. Note the harness end between the seats:

Front dash storage / usb cluster with trim

HVAC ducting / wiring:

Unwinding harness between the seats

I will add more if I think of anything.

I think it's fine to cut the carpet to shape, right?
I should have taken more pictures, but here is a basic over view:

Removing Bench Seat:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bqkqbx5cv4wqx6/Front Center Seat - Removal and Installation.pdf?dl=0

The Mounting brackets are different as are the wiring harnesses, The seat uses just a large bracket at the rear with 4 bolts and the front bolts directly to the floor, The console uses a different rear bracket with only 2 bolts and a second bracket mounted under the dash. That bracket will need to be mounted with your own nuts and bolts and washers since the bench seat trucks do not have a threaded hole for them to bolt into. This was very easy though after a quick trip to the hardware store.

As for the dash trim, the bench seat dash has a large pull out storage drawer with a USB cluster and a power outlet. This comes out easily with 4 phillips screws and some pop out trim clips. The console trucks have 2 small trim pieces on either side of the console that will need to be swapped.

The carpeting is different and does need to be swapped for a perfect install, the removal wasn't too bad, but the front seats do need to come out (4 star socket bolts each seat) and some trim along the door sills needs to be popped out for that to happen.

The HVAC ducting mounts the same at the dash, but there is a small piece from the bench seat truck that needs to be swapped. The console directly connects to the dash outlet, the bench trucks have a small section that connects the bench to the dash.

As for wiring, I am currently looking into ordering the correct harness for a console truck as the USB hookups from my bench seat truck did not reach. I may just cut and splice some more wiring if I can't find the correct harness to order. The parts guy at my dealership had no idea what I had done and couldn't really help me.

The stock setup for a bench truck has a front harness and a rear harness, neither of which will reach the console plug-in that is near the bottom front of the console. I had to unwind the factory harness between the seats and separate the specific wires I needed and splice in some extensions. In hindsight, I should have just ordered the correct harness and waited a few days, but I was impatient. The harnesses could probably be swapped out by taking the dash apart and exchanging them, but we did the swap via ups so I didn't want to have to pull my dash apart and wait to finish install as this is my daily driver. That would be the only thing I would have done differently.

Seat / carpet removed. Note the harness end between the seats:

Front dash storage / usb cluster with trim

HVAC ducting / wiring:

Unwinding harness between the seats

I will add more if I think of anything.
THANK YOU SO MUCH to both of you to take the time to explain how you did, highly appreciated.
Quick update on the progress of my bench seat swap/install:

I got the wiring harness in, part # 68362132AC which i *believe* is what I would have had with the original Rebel floor console. Every plug matched perfectly to the new lower center console trim and the back USBs/power outlet with the exception of the wire that runs into the lid/opening back part of the center jump seat. That wire snakes through the guts of the seat to get into that little storage area and it would have been major surgery to take that apart. I got a certain way into it and figured it would just be easier to cut/solder the the wires together which is exactly what I did. The USB powered up no problem, phew! The entire new front console also powered up, which includes the USB media hub and the 115v outlet. The 115v outlet facing the back seats also powered up perfectly fine, but for some reason the back seat USBs arent powering up. I checked and re-checked the plugs/connections, and its a direct/exact fit to the wiring/plugs that were replaced/cut out. Kind of stumped at this point. I figured if something didnt want to play nice it would have been where I did my custom wiring/extension for the single USB in the lid but thats good- to-go. I went ahead and ordered a new USB media hub for the back seat (over $100, ouch!). If that doesnt work I'll probably just live with having 115v power outlet to the back seat only or to custom wire one of those generic USB kits that you can buy off amazon. Took lots of good pics of the teardown/rewiring of the jump seat so I'll include those in my detailed write up when I get this all sorted out.

Update: OK i recall i minor difference between the wiring which MAY be the issue, that I originally overlooked since I thought it would have only impacted the usb under the lid (which works) but may actually be impacting the rear USBs. I've illustrated the difference between the original wiring and the new wiring. Does anyone see this as an issue? Sorry for my crappy hand drawing buts its the best way for me to illustrate it. Does anyone think I should cut the new wiring harness and replace it with the connections from the original to mimic the original wiring?


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I’d like to see a detail set up of replacing the center console with a seat. In case my wife pushed me for that 6th seat. I would miss the cup holders though.
Quick update on the progress of my bench seat swap/install:

I got the wiring harness in, part # 68362132AC which i *believe* is what I would have had with the original Rebel floor console. Every plug matched perfectly to the new lower center console trim and the back USBs/power outlet with the exception of the wire that runs into the lid/opening back part of the center jump seat. That wire snakes through the guts of the seat to get into that little storage area and it would have been major surgery to take that apart. I got a certain way into it and figured it would just be easier to cut/solder the the wires together which is exactly what I did. The USB powered up no problem, phew! The entire new front console also powered up, which includes the USB media hub and the 115v outlet. The 115v outlet facing the back seats also powered up perfectly fine, but for some reason the back seat USBs arent powering up. I checked and re-checked the plugs/connections, and its a direct/exact fit to the wiring/plugs that were replaced/cut out. Kind of stumped at this point. I figured if something didnt want to play nice it would have been where I did my custom wiring/extension for the single USB in the lid but thats good- to-go. I went ahead and ordered a new USB media hub for the back seat (over $100, ouch!). If that doesnt work I'll probably just live with having 115v power outlet to the back seat only or to custom wire one of those generic USB kits that you can buy off amazon. Took lots of good pics of the teardown/rewiring of the jump seat so I'll include those in my detailed write up when I get this all sorted out.

Update: OK i recall i minor difference between the wiring which MAY be the issue, that I originally overlooked since I thought it would have only impacted the usb under the lid (which works) but may actually be impacting the rear USBs. I've illustrated the difference between the original wiring and the new wiring. Does anyone see this as an issue? Sorry for my crappy hand drawing buts its the best way for me to illustrate it. Does anyone think I should cut the new wiring harness and replace it with the connections from the original to mimic the original wiring?

Bingo, that last observation I made about switching that wire to mimic the original setup (as opposed to the setup from the new wiring harness) was correct. EVERYTHING works now just like factory! I'll snap some final pics and clean up the wiring and get my truck back to normal. I'll try and get my full write up done this weekend.
Wow, magic happens here. I’m going to buy a Laramie with the center console and want to have a bench seat instead. Anyone interested in swapping with mine? :)
Did you ever buy the Laramie with the center console? I am just finalizing the purchase of a Laramie with the bench seat in black, and had planned on doing the conversion.
Wow, magic happens here. I’m going to buy a Laramie with the center console and want to have a bench seat instead. Anyone interested in swapping with mine? :)
i want to swap my jump seat for the center console, i have a19 laramie black interior no need for center seat.

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