Well-Known Member
I go through vehicles like socks and have been considering leasing myself for that reason. But my lame understanding is restore it back to original and trading it in is no different than a traditional loan. I heard you should never go to term and give it to the lease holder to avoid crazy penalties
I can only speak of CCAP leases. If you pony up for let's say.....a 36 month lease and at month 30 you want to trade it in, your going to have to pay for those 6 months you didn't fulfill the lease terms, an early term fee and the residual value. I leased one vehicle just to get my DTI down to buy my 1st house. I took it in the shorts after 1 2 months when I went to unload the vehicle.
I modify pretty much all of my vehicles so I'm not a good candidate to lease. You mentioned restoring the truck to original condition. That's great but consider your going to have to store those parts and then reinstall 'em.
Except for the fiasco with my wife's '17 Cummings we usually keep our cars for a good amount of time. In addition, I pay more than my payment each month, have paid off 3 over the last 10 years and have a good amount of equity to roll in to a new vehicle when we go that route. Add to that I'm beyond fortunate to work for Chrysler to get employee pricing.
So it all comes down to each individual situation and consider how much car you can afford, how long will you keep it, will you modify it. Yes owning a vehicle can be classified as investing in a depreciating asset but if you hold onto your car, at some point down the road the depreciation will tip to your favor. Since I'm in the auto finance industry, I always suggest to my friends/fam to refi whenever the interest rates tip to your favor but don't extend the term.
A lease is a lease, you are renting the car from the finance company. At the end of the lease, you will have no equity in the vehicle and you gotta turn it in. Now keeping that in mind, Chrysler usually has a generous rebate for returning lease customers, from what I remember off the top of my head it's like 2 or 3k (depending on your geographical location) so that does come into play.
I hope I didn't confuse the beejezus out of you.