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Be Careful - Amp update fixes subwoofer way too much


Nov 6, 2018
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I had my amp updated today while truck was in for service for another issue. The update was supposed to make the radio sound better but in my opinion it sounds worse. It is like someone went in and turned up the subwoofer from 2 to 10. The subwoofer now dominates all audio even when I turn the EQ down -5 on bass the sub it just too loud. Also now it seems like any mid level bass seems to now come out of the subwoofer instead of being spread around the midrange speakers. it just doesnt sound right, in my opinion the sound was much better the way it was before. They overdid the sub for some reason with this update.

Does anyone know if there is any way to have the software rolled back?

One suggestion I would have for future updates is to add a slide controller to allow the end user to adjust the subwoofer.
I had my amp updated today while truck was in for service for another issue. The update was supposed to make the radio sound better but in my opinion it sounds worse. It is like someone went in and turned up the subwoofer from 2 to 10. The subwoofer now dominates all audio even when I turn the EQ down -5 on bass the sub it just too loud. Also now it seems like any mid level bass seems to now come out of the subwoofer instead of being spread around the midrange speakers. it just doesnt sound right, in my opinion the sound was much better the way it was before. They overdid the sub for some reason with this update.

Does anyone know if there is any way to have the software rolled back?

One suggestion I would have for future updates is to add a slide controller to allow the end user to adjust the subwoofer.
Totally agree...this needs to be resolved ,
I actually took subwoofer out of its box and stuffed sound insulation into the enclosure...it helps to deaden the sound but still not enough
a software upgrade that adds a control to adjust frequency and volume level would be ideal
And this is why I haven't asked for the update. I think the HK sounds good even though it could be louder.
Apparently they have resolved the issue. I had them do the upgrade on mine last Wednesday. No issues at all. It's as if I have a brand new premium sound system! It rocks now!
Apparently they have resolved the issue. I had them do the upgrade on mine last Wednesday. No issues at all. It's as if I have a brand new premium sound system! It rocks now!
Just to be clear, it sounds like you had the exact same update performed as previous posters, who are complaining, and you say is all good. Do you have the paperwork to verify the specific update that was performed. Is there a newer update? If it is the same update as others, then we are just talking about hearing preferences.
Just to be clear, it sounds like you had the exact same update performed as previous posters, who are complaining, and you say is all good. Do you have the paperwork to verify the specific update that was performed. Is there a newer update? If it is the same update as others, then we are just talking about hearing preferences.

Yes, I printed and took the service bulletin that has been mentioned here. I told the service manager that I wanted them to execute this bulletin. He wrote it up and specifically noted the bulletin number (08-123-18). I honestly expected to get the truck back and hear little or no change, or worse, to hear that the update was already installed when the truck was delivered to me. However, my fears were for naught. The receipt says they did execute the bulletin and the sound system is now MUCH improved! More bass, more treble, more mid-range, and I mean a lot more! I've actually dialed back some of my EQ settings now. And I can actually feel the bass. Now, and 8 inch sub isn't going to rattle the windows but it's sooo much better now. I also have switched back and forth with the surround on and off and there is no longer a difference in volume. Prior to the upgrade, turning surround off increased the audio level somewhat. Here is a link to the bulletin (found in another forum here on this board: https://www.dropbox.com/s/firjgvwsgafwd2b/Amplifier Enhancement.pdf?dl=0
Yes, I printed and took the service bulletin that has been mentioned here. I told the service manager that I wanted them to execute this bulletin. He wrote it up and specifically noted the bulletin number (08-123-18). I honestly expected to get the truck back and hear little or no change, or worse, to hear that the update was already installed when the truck was delivered to me. However, my fears were for naught. The receipt says they did execute the bulletin and the sound system is now MUCH improved! More bass, more treble, more mid-range, and I mean a lot more! I've actually dialed back some of my EQ settings now. And I can actually feel the bass. Now, and 8 inch sub isn't going to rattle the windows but it's sooo much better now. I also have switched back and forth with the surround on and off and there is no longer a difference in volume. Prior to the upgrade, turning surround off increased the audio level somewhat. Here is a link to the bulletin (found in another forum here on this board: https://www.dropbox.com/s/firjgvwsgafwd2b/Amplifier Enhancement.pdf?dl=0
What month was your truck built? I took my truck in a week ago And they give me a weird looks. I told them I would bring it back in a couple of weeks to get the recall work done before I go on vacation. They tried to find what the latest update on the connect was, but I don't really think that matters since it's the amp and not the radio. Also they couldn't find tsb 08-123-18.
What month was your truck built? I took my truck in a week ago And they give me a weird looks. I told them I would bring it back in a couple of weeks to get the recall work done before I go on vacation. They tried to find what the latest update on the connect was, but I don't really think that matters since it's the amp and not the radio. Also they couldn't find tsb 08-123-18.

Go to this link and you will be able to download the TSB and read up on it. My truck was built in July. My dealer couldn't immediately find it either but copied my copy and took care of it. https://www.ramforum.com/threads/2019-technical-service-bulletins-tsbs.131003/
Glad I found this thread. I have been complaining about the quality of the music on my H/K system for a few months now. I had a '15 Challenger with the H/K system and it had the same issues. There was a TSB about them that year as well because of all the negative feedback about the quality of that 900 watt system. I specifically wanted it in this truck because after that update that year that system was amazing. Although the Challenger had 2 10 inch subs which really sounded great, I know the bass is definitely not going to be as good in the truck, but this system is currently anemic. I can carry on normal conversations with the volume on 38. I just checked my build date and it is July 18 so my truck is definitely due this little update.
@TRAM1900FL how did you pick your sub? Would you recommend it?

Sorry for being off topic. I'm looking for a good sub for my truck and can't wrap my head around which would suit me best.

Do I need to spend over $1000 to get some decent sound? I've been reading the reviews all over the internet and I didn't get closer to finding a solution. Plus most reviews are hype. Blatant copy of manufacturer's features that's it. Now I've found a different site which writes more on our language. Still there are 10 subs on the page and it's hard to choose. Read more here. What I loved about the reviews were that he highlights many negatives. Best of all they are not watered down.

What are the most important things when you're looking for a sub? Any tips?
Well, for me, I wanted at least 200 watts RMS and perhaps 300. RMS it the important spec here, not peak. RMS is what our ears hear. I don't need a thousand watts RMS but your mileage may vary. So I needed to purchase a sub capable of that power and an amp capable of producing that power without straining. I wanted a sub that would fit under the rear seat, which means the box I chose had to fit under the seat and the sub had to fit in the box. It's also important that the sub you choose performs well in the space the box provides. This is called volume (which is physical volume, not audio volume). If the box is too small, the sub can't perform at its best. Ditto if the box is too large, although this is rarely a problem in vehicles. You will find this spec stated for the subs you may be looking at, as well as the box. By the way, I don't think any of the subs in the article in your link will fit under the rear seat of the 5th generation RAMs. We need so-called shallow subs to fit under our rear seats. Fortunately, manufacturers have come a long way in recent years with these shallow subs. Their performance is actually surprisingly good. I also needed an amp whose impedance would match the sub set up, which in my case, is dual subs. My subs are 4 ohms each wired in parallel, which presents a load of 2 ohms to the amp. So I needed an amp that was capable of a 2 ohm load. Most amps for subs these days have two types of inputs, low level and high level. But not all. This is important because if you are tapping into an existing speaker line to feed your sub amp, you need a high level input on the amp. If instead, you are running the amp input to an output on your stereo unit, you will typically need a low level input on the amp. Another couple of things to look for on the sub amp are a cross-over frequency adjustment (typically recommended to be set at 80 Hz but some may prefer a slightly different frequency--flexibility is good!) and an input level adjustment. If you overdrive your amp, you will get distortion and be very unhappy. And one more thing, most of us like to have a remote adjustment for the amp. That is, a control that will be mounted on or near the dash and wired back to the amp so that you can turn up or down the amount of bass that the sub is producing. I can turn mine up so high that it rattles my windows and vibrates the rear seat so much that no one will enjoy sitting back there, but most of the time, I have it turned down to a more reasonable level where I am enjoying hearing and feeling the bass but it's not causing everything to rattle.

I've stated a lot of information here. The thing I did was read a lot of professional reviews as well as those you find on Amazon. I was able to glean a lot from those. I did the same for sub amps. I didn't budget an unlimited amount for this upgrade so I needed to match my desires with my budget.

Ideally, I would have found a sub box with built in sub and amp, like the MTX Thunderform that I had in my F150. Loved that thing. And there are others out there. Unfortunately, I could not find one for my new 2019 RAM in early 2019, so I wound up piecing together my own system. At some point, MTX and others will come out with "plug and play" sub/box/amp setups for us. There might even be one out there now...not sure.

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