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Back up auto break.

Cattail cruncher

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2018
Reaction score
Had some people walk by the back of the truck in parking lot at least 20 feet away and BAM auto break, thought I hit something. How aggressive is that feature? Any thoughts or impressions?
First time it kicked in I thought I hit a pole haha.

You can lower how sensitive it is or turn it off completely.
How do you lower the sensitivity? I know how to turn it off with the button or on u conect.
I'm 2,000 miles in and still approach anything while in reverse like a jack in the box about to spring into my face haha!
I have the volume control but that is not what I am talking about.
I knew about that also just wonderd what others experience was?
My auto brake has surprised me a few times. Mostly when backing into a parking spot in a garage, if I am going faster than it prefers, it is happy to slam on the brakes when I'm still a good 18" from the wall.

The only really odd one was that once it hit the brakes as I was going up the ramp on a parking deck. Still not sure what triggered that.

I haven't lowered the sensitivity yet, as I'm going to feel like a real idiot if I back into something.

I've also learned that the forward collision assistance seems to engage earlier if you're not paying attention. We have heavy traffic and I'm used to idiots suddenly making a right turn when I'm still going 40 mph behind them. It seems that if I don't touch the brake, the autobrake will alert and potentially slam on, however if I lightly feather the brake pedal when someone pulls one of these dumb maneuvers in front of me, it'll keep quiet.
Any updates on this? My truck is 6 days old and this has gone off twice with nothing behind me. Once was backing out of a standard driveway with a slightly angled driveway apron and it scared the crap out of me... seems a bit sensitive. I don’t see a way to do anything other then turn it off which I’d prefer not to.
Any updates on this? My truck is 6 days old and this has gone off twice with nothing behind me. Once was backing out of a standard driveway with a slightly angled driveway apron and it scared the crap out of me... seems a bit sensitive. I don’t see a way to do anything other then turn it off which I’d prefer not to.
After 4000 miles and multiple activations when I was real close, I had my first ever time it went off for no good reason. I was backing out of my garage as I do everyday. But on this particular day it decided it didn't want me to leave. I kept pulling forward and it kept slamming on the brakes. After three tries I turned it off to escape. It was unsettling.

I will say that it cannot tell height. It has gone off a number of times because something that would easily be cleared by the vehicle got too close. Like backing up over a curb with ground covering plants that are bumpy. A tree branch hanging down will also activate it. But the incident with my garage, the only thing I can think of that was different was that I was going a little fast. So perhaps speed does have something to do with it. But once it went off, it kept going off regardless of my speed.

Also, I don't think there is anyway to set the braking sensitivity. Just the proximity alert volume.
I turned the auto braking feature off almost immediately. I had my wife’s Jeep GC scare the crap out of me once with her system. After that I just turned that off and am happy as can be.
Any updates on this? My truck is 6 days old and this has gone off twice with nothing behind me. Once was backing out of a standard driveway with a slightly angled driveway apron and it scared the crap out of me... seems a bit sensitive. I don’t see a way to do anything other then turn it off which I’d prefer not to.

Same for me. Slight downward angle leaving the driveway. Happens every time unless I "creep" out. I just turn off the auto braking.
I've kept mine one to see if I can learn its quirks. Here are some:

  • Wall of water in downpour rain activates it on absolutely level ground with nothing around (empty ground parking lot at my one office).
  • 4" height difference between grass edge and my driveway paving triggers it if I'm backing confidently vs. creeping.
  • Standard 2% cross slope road crown with concrete paving sets it off but with bituminous paving it does not when backing out perpendicular to it from driveway.
  • My rear park sense is regularly activated by exhaust vapor with the cold. The other day when -8degF the brake activated as well just backing down the 35 foot section of my driveway where it's higher than grade either side (nothing to sense either side) so either exhaust vapors or maybe a bird flew past.

FCA obviously still has some work to do on these "safety" features.
I have an alley entry driveway, so each time I back out to leave, I get real close to the fence behind me. This “feature” gave me a scare and whiplash twice and I turned it off. I don’t care to have a heart attack over a few boards being closer than the computer likes. ;)

I have sensors that beep...I ignore them to my own peril.
I've kept mine one to see if I can learn its quirks. Here are some:

  • Wall of water in downpour rain activates it on absolutely level ground with nothing around (empty ground parking lot at my one office).
  • 4" height difference between grass edge and my driveway paving triggers it if I'm backing confidently vs. creeping.
  • Standard 2% cross slope road crown with concrete paving sets it off but with bituminous paving it does not when backing out perpendicular to it from driveway.
  • My rear park sense is regularly activated by exhaust vapor with the cold. The other day when -8degF the brake activated as well just backing down the 35 foot section of my driveway where it's higher than grade either side (nothing to sense either side) so either exhaust vapors or maybe a bird flew past.

FCA obviously still has some work to do on these "safety" features.
Seems almost like this feature and the Roomba edge sensor have a lot in common. Sure, it’s great to keep it from falling off a cliff, but it won’t vacuum anything with a dark line on it! :LOL:
i back into my work parking spot and home driveway every day.

at work there is a 30" tall stone planter that i back up to. if i leave the rear park sense on the safety feature will slam on brakes every time. when i put the truck in reverse i touch the rear park sense switch to toggle it off.

at home, when backing into my driveway there are several plants and of course the house behind me, the system never activates.
Any updates on this? My truck is 6 days old and this has gone off twice with nothing behind me. Once was backing out of a standard driveway with a slightly angled driveway apron and it scared the crap out of me... seems a bit sensitive. I don’t see a way to do anything other then turn it off which I’d prefer not to.

I reported mine to my Service Department several months ago because it kept locking up when I backed out of my driveway. They did a full system check and found nothing wrong. It will definitely get your attention when it happens. According to my Service Advisor there are not any updates available for it yet. I kept mine turned off for about two months because I felt it was a nuiscance. I just recently turned it back on and it has not locked up for a week (it used to every day). I don't know if I'm just getting lucky here or if maybe it has some kind of learned behavior that was erased by having it off for so long. I decided that I would rather have it on and adapt to it rather than not use it at all because it would be my luck that I turn it off and then back into something that it would have detected. If you have a situation where you know it always gives you false indications; you can just turn it off with the switch and then turn it back on. You cannot adjust the sensitivity; only the volume.

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