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Airdam removal


Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score
Has anybody removed the active airdam from their truck? I'm looking to remove mine for appearances, and would be interested in knowing the following:

Did removal throw any error codes? If so, how did you delete the errors?
Noticeable hit to MPG?

Much thanks in advance!
It's very insignificant. I can't imagine it making a measurable difference in MPG. Or changing the appearance for that matter. It's tucked up out of sight when your not at highway speeds.
It's very insignificant. I can't imagine it making a measurable difference in MPG. Or changing the appearance for that matter. It's tucked up out of sight when your not at highway speeds.
I should have been more clear...I also want to remove the solid airdam in front of the active airdam. I know that the solid airdam is relatively minor...just a few screws. But I wasn't sure about the active airdam. I thought I read somewhere that the computer will throw an error code if it's removed. Not sure if I will need a dealer to clear the code, or if I can do it myself (or if it will even be necessary).
I had to replace mine after i hit a fox or something on the highway. Very straight forward, no codes after removal. 1 electrical plug and 4 12 or 14mm nuts. I noticed about a 1 litre/100km increase with it on the highway. No difference in the city as it doesnt drop down.

Thanks! I’ve searched the forum multiple times, but this never came up. Used both *airdam* and *air dam*. Guess I’m not as computer literate as I thunk!

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