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Affiliate Reward Pricing Options (Friends/Family Pricing)


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Sep 1, 2018
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For anybody that is waiting on James list and is soon to deliver or is far down that list- two more options are to sign up with

https://www.accessfund.org/pages/affiliate-rewards-program (I think 30 dollars and you have to be a member for 30 days)
www.treadlightly.org/old/join/fcusa-affliates-reward-program/ (100 dollars and you have to be a member for 30 days)

But then you will have the ability to get an affiliate reward number which will give you the same 1% below invoice discount!

Just some additional help for those that want it. That is if your employer doesn't already have a relationship with FCA and provide you with the same control number/voucher.

If you’ve already negotiated below the 1% invoice pricing- don’t shy away. Ask the dealer if you provide an affiliate reward number how much extra can you get off. Most will give an additional 250 or 500 off for providing the affiliate number on top of the negotiate price. If you are above invoice, this will get you to 1% under without any haggling.
I can vouch for the Tread Lightly affiliate deal... cool organization too.
Yes both are great options for people that don’t have an AR number through an employer etc
I get this automatically with my American Soybean Association membership. I’m sure there are plenty of other groups that offer the same thing, if you can just remember to use it when the time comes to buy a vehicle. That last part is the real trick.
Can a friend who works for a Tread Lightly member company get a voucher for someone?

Just to confirm I am understanding this correctly, if I join Tread Lightly then after 30 days I will have access to Friends/Family pricing? From my understanding that is invoice less another 1%, so approximately 10% total?

Also @KJRam do you have any recommended dealers in SE GA or NE FL? You've been a great help so far and I appreciate it so much!
I used FFP through my employer and it was easy and painless. The weird thing was that the dealer never asked to see it or my employee ID, even at closing. They just took my word for it from the beginning through the end. I still get a quarterly email from Ram reminding me that I still have it.
If half the "what did you pay" posts are true, then many here got a better deal than I did through lots of negotiation so you could potentially get the same or better pricing than FFP through shrewd skills. I'm happy with what I paid and it took 5 seconds to get it.
They may not have checked it because they may not have actually used it. The last 2-3 vehicles I’ve purchased from FCA I brought up that I qualified for a similar program, and each time it would have resulted in my paying more as it was exclusive to other discounts.

At Ford, however, I was able to get an extra $500 or so off with this type of program (X plan pricing or some name like that).
I got below FFP and near Employee Pricing and I'm just "me" ..............no Tread Lightly, no corporate office sponsorship or anything. Just a dealership that was willing to give a deep discount. I went in, was extremely polite, gave them my build list, they built it (computer) and showed me the actual build sheet. At the bottom of that sheet was invoice, FFP and EP. They hand wrote exactly what their dealership rebate was. I ran my same build list past another dealership who had $1K more in dealer rebates and I gave that to my dealership and they price matched it -------------I said "order it" ............then I got my other rebates on top of that.

No tricks, no arm twisting, no lieing, no fussing! Just a man who looked up about 6 dealership within 100 miles and noticed they all had massive rebates and I thought...........they're advertising these rebates for all to see, I bet I can get a little better.

I ordered in May 2018 ............they also didn't even re-evaluate my trade in when I came back in July to get my truck; they didn't even look at the darn thing.
How about PenFed ?
I am almost at the 90 day mark.
Will I receive notice or will I have to ask for the $1000 cert ?
I believe that is "all the time". I bought my truck in September. The dealer told me about the USAA discount and had me log into my USAA account and claim a discount code through USAA.
Yep, all the time. And not just with Ram.............I've bought Mercedes with various USAA discounts and sometimes it's more than $1,000. They have affiliation with a number of manufacturers. Just have to log on to USAA car buying and see that list
Bump for people looking to purchase and save!

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