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Adding Factory brake controller?

If anyone is in the central Kentucky area I highly recommend checking with Glenn Freedom CDJR to get them to install/flash your factory TBC. I ordered the OEM parts in one of the ebay kits and kept putting off installing the TBC myself until I was out of time and needed it. I had already called the dealer when I bought the kit and they told me $135 to do the flash. We had an appointment on Friday to pick up our new travel trailer and I still hadn't installed the TBC. I decided I would install it using the guide here, and a YouTube video I found, and then try to get in at one of the local dealers to get the flash done before going to get the TT. I called Glenn Freedom, where I bought the truck, as soon as they opened and asked if they could get me in to do the flash. The service advisor said they could get me in at 10:00. I asked for the price and she said $135. Just out of curiosity I asked what it would be to get them to install the parts I already had and do the flash. She came back in a couple minutes and said $135!! I was in shock and dumbfounded. She said the system shows the install as a 1 hour project and the tech said it would only take about 45 minutes to install and 10 minutes to flash so they would bill me the charge for 1 hour labor and include the flash in the price for the install. Of course I jumped on that and told her I would be there at 10. I showed up at 9:58 and dropped the truck off and picked it back up at 11:24 and paid my $135. Then made our appointment at 12:30 to pick up our new travel trailer. Can't go anywhere with it, but we have it for when we can, lol.

Normally I am against going to the dealer for almost anything. This time though they definitely surprised me, and saved my butt!
$150 for five minutes worth of work. Nice. Not.
I bought kit on E Bay for $145. Delivered , my dealer installed and flashed computer for $75.00 , easy $ for the dealership

Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
Mine charged me $56 for the flash if I remember correctly. I told them there's no way it takes longer than 30 minutes and when I came back to pick it up that's about what they charged me for.
If you can Find and send me you screenshot of the receipt,that would help my Cause.
I bought kit on E Bay for $145. Delivered , my dealer installed and flashed computer for $75.00 , easy $ for the dealership

Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
Which Dealership Did yours??
I want to email them and ask for a quote for Just a Flash Only.
That Might help my Cause.
My dealer ic Concept Chrysler in Magog Quebec Canada . I live on the Canada , US border , the closest US dealer Northpoint in Newport Vt quoted me 1/2 hr labor just to do the flash

Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk

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