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A tip for searching or posting on this forum


Ram Guru
Aug 15, 2021
Reaction score

There is an issue with the search engine on this platform.

The search engine ignores two and three letter words.

Try searching for “Ram” and our lovable little truck doesn't have a post, zero, zilch, nada.

We use three letter abbreviations as our language like, HUD, ABS, LED, OBD, OEM, TRX but not this software package.

If you want to know what guys have posted for your HUD you are SOL.

Somewhere in your post put an expanded version like Heads Up Display (HUD) or even at the very bottom all alone (see below) spell it out so the search engine sees something it can search on.

In the title if you put a word with four letters or more then you can spot a thread without having to page through ten pages of results.

For an example in your original post for the title put, ”Anyone having issues with their HUD? - Heads Up Display”

Then you are still speaking in the language of Ram but now it is also searchable by adding “Heads” or” Display” in the title and you don't have to scroll through ten pages of results.

Heads Up Display
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