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2025 RAM 1500 weird transfer case noise when sitting in a garage


Apr 29, 2019
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I have a brand new 2025 RAM 1500 Laramie with 3.0 Hurricane S/O. During the first month of ownership I regularly heard these noises coming out of the transfer case of my truck while it was sitting in the garage. It happens with random intervals, even when I don't drive the truck for a few days. This usually happens 10-15 times in a row until the truck calms itself down again. Sometimes the dash lights up during these events.
The actual sound is very similar to the one you hear if you switch from 4WD to 2WD and back.
Has anyone experienced that, why would the truck do that?

Here is a short clip:
Yes, exactly, sounds like it's trying to shift on its own after sitting in the garage for some time. It was in 4WD Auto at the moment the video was shot, but I switched it to 2WD yesterday to see if it does it again. I had to drive the truck today which means it will be another day or so before it may start doing its thing again. We'll see! I'm curious if my truck is the only one that does so.
Heh, mine is doing the same thing. Its annoying; neighbors keep on asking whether there is something wrong with my truck and my wife keeps on joking that its a transformer in disguise.

I was trying to explain this to the dealer but I couldn't find the words; the dealer suggested it's the active grille shutters, but clearly, that's not even in the right place.
Mine has been doing this too since I got it in June; still doing it every couple of days.
I also have mine in 4WD Auto and the dash also lights up everytime.
Heh, mine is doing the same thing. Its annoying; neighbors keep on asking whether there is something wrong with my truck and my wife keeps on joking that its a transformer in disguise.

I was trying to explain this to the dealer but I couldn't find the words; the dealer suggested it's the active grille shutters, but clearly, that's not even in the right place.
Mine has been doing this too since I got it in June; still doing it every couple of days.
I also have mine in 4WD Auto and the dash also lights up everytime.
Does it still make the noise if you leave it in 2WD?
I switched it to 2WD today. I will keep an eye/ear out if I hear it again over next couple of days.
Wow that’s really weird! FYI, Those very early 25 trucks produced at model startup were pretty well rumored to have some jacked up wiring harnesses. I don’t know if that’s what is going on here but it would make me question that.
I am seeing the same thing with my new 1500 Big Horn. So glad to see this post. Would a dealership even know what to do resolve the issue?
I haven't heard it since I switched to 2WD, but I still can't say for sure that it didn't happen while I wasn't close to the truck.
Mine still does it even when set in 2WD.
Scheduled to take it into dealership next week. Hoping they can get to the bottom of it.
It would be interesting if that was intentional. My Tundra’s transfer case locked up and it was a fortune to fix it. I hadn’t put it in 4WD for about six months when it happened. Toyota told me to use the 4WD once a month to prevent it from locking up. I was going to do the same with my Ram.
I observed this today on my truck. It’s a strange sound, almost like the truck attempts to start, but just one turn. I also see the dash, shifter, and the usb lights turn on. Sometimes I see those dash lights come on when I go to the garage. Like the pressure change causes a sensor to activate. It turned the lights off after I opened and shut all the doors and locked the doors. And I hadn’t driven the truck since Sunday. Anyone have an update on their truck?
Not quite the same sound but on approach when holding the key fob mine will make 2 quick server type motor sounds. If dark the lights come on.

Maybe your key fob signal is getting detected intermittently while parked?
Anyone had any luck with finding out what is causing this? I think this issue killed my batteries. Got a warranty tow to dealership and all they saw that was wrong was the bad batteries, no indication as to why the went bad so quick on a 2025. I get it making the noise when unlocking or opening the door but not randomly while parked in garage.

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