Ok so here we go...
After MUCH frustration I decided to have my truck taken to the dealership for them to completely factory reset my computer and BCM since I thought my rough country speedo calibrator and ALFA OBD tool messed my truck up.... I wanted to start at square one again. So they brought it back to me and on the repair order it stated that when i was doing 61 MPH on the speedo, it was really 65 MPH real speed. I opened up my GPS app and found that my phone was not reading that, rather my speed was reading 61 on the speedo and 57 on real speed GPS... i was furious a this point with the dealership because I thought they were wrong and didn't reset anything....
HOWEVER before calling them and trying to complain or figure it out, for whatever reason I found out when I had my truck paired to my phone via BLUETOOTH, my GPS reading was off on my phone (even more off then it was supposed to be because of the theory of "larger tires" make the speedo off)!!!! I downloaded a dozen or more apps, all showing my speed was WAYYYYY more off then what it was supposed to be. Out of pure luck and no where else to turn, I used my wife's phone along with several others to check and all of theirs was always showing a much different reading then mine! , and showing correct GPS speed, so INDEED when you have larger tires installed, your speedo is off. Speedo read 61 when I was actually doing 65 MPH. ALL along my phone being paired to my truck via Bluetooth was throwing my GPS speed off on my phone APP (I cannot even begin to explain why!!!!) however once disconnected from my truck, I was getting accurate GPS readings again just like theirs were...
So that solved my issue of why my ALPHA OBD program kept wanting me to program smaller tire sizes in order to get closer to my GPS speed I was showing on my phone, because my phone GPS was way off!
Now after all of that, once again I created a complete backup of my truck settings with ALFA OBD and wanted to try and calibrate it again, and guys let me tell you what, it worked BEAUTIFULLY!!!!! my speedo and GPS is right on the money!!!!! it was so dang easy to use and I feel it 100% updated the shift points on the truck because it now knows the correct speed it's going. it shifts smoothly and my MPG increased "on display readout" because it's reading the true amount of miles my truck is traveling and my "miles until empty" have been pretty close to spot on as well!
Talk about a frustrating several weeks of trying to figure this out, now knowing it was my stupid phone for whatever reason.
I CAN 100% CONFIRM THAT ALFA OBD WILL PROGRAM A 2022 RAM TRUCK'S tire sizes and recalibrate the speedometer!

now if i can only figure out some of the other cool stuff it can do that would be awesome.
I did add "off road pages" and "performance pages" and got that to program successfully as well if that helps anyone.