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2021 Big Horn 5.7L eTorque 121 miles


Mar 30, 2020
Reaction score
SITUATION: So my truck was just delivered to the dealership last week from the manufacturer. On my way home I mashed the gas and I heard a minor bang then the battery wasn't charging anymore. I turn the truck off then back on then it charges normal again. Mash the gas and it happens again.

It's acting like it's blowing an automatic circuit breaker the resetting itself when I turn the truck off. It just threw a code but it wasn't related. I went through the search and nothing really fits my situation. This is my second eTorque and I personally like them. My truck is in rustproofing, bed liner, clear paint protection, and ceramic coat so it won't be able to go into service for a week.

I’ve never heard of anything like that but I’ve also never had an Etorque so I’m unfamiliar with the characteristics of them .
Is it throwing a code for a faulty charging system? How do you know the battery isn't charging anymore? 5th gens have a battery management system, they don't continuously charge.
I'm not sure how that has any substance other than bumping my thread?
He's a frequent poster, which means he's also pretty familiar with what is posted/complained about on this forum (where people like yourself post for advice/assistance with issues) and he's saying he's never seen that issue discussed (unlike say the 48v battery failure and cracked rear window frames that appear regularly). That's not going to solve your problem obviously, but lets you know it's likely an uncommon issue.

As a somewhat frequent poster, definite frequent reader, and fellow Etorque owner, I've never heard of anyone having that issue either. I'd take it in to the dealer ASAP when you get it back from add-ons. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
He's a frequent poster, which means he's also pretty familiar with what is posted/complained about on this forum (where people like yourself post for advice/assistance with issues) and he's saying he's never seen that issue discussed (unlike say the 48v battery failure and cracked rear window frames that appear regularly). That's not going to solve your problem obviously, but lets you know it's likely an uncommon issue.

As a somewhat frequent poster, definite frequent reader, and fellow Etorque owner, I've never heard of anyone having that issue either. I'd take it in to the dealer ASAP when you get it back from add-ons. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
I wasn't looking for an answer and the question was rhetorical. The problem is actually a little more common with brand new vehicles than what you are suggesting. Further, probably should research how long i have been a member. I dont normally post because like what he did, he just posted to post with no real substance to get his post count up.
You asked for thoughts at the bottom of your post, which is what your receiving. No one gives a crap about post count.

Others have had the e torque unit replaced for various reasons, it’s still a new system, thus why you’re not finding any details in your particular problem as I was researching issues before buying mine.

My though, ether way it’s a dealer issue and not likely something you can’t fix.

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You asked for thoughts at the bottom of your post, which is what your receiving. No one gives a crap about post count.

Others have had the e torque unit replaced for various reasons, it’s still a new system, thus why you’re not finding any details in your particular problem as I was researching issues before buying mine.

My though, ether way it’s a dealer issue and not likely something you can’t fix.

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Thoughts about the problem, not what he posted. Thank you for more worthless information just to respond and "be right"
Thoughts about the problem, not what he posted. Thank you for more worthless information just to respond and "be right"
Awwww, did your favorite college football team lose yesterday or did your wife, girlfriend or both cut you off last night? If the latter, you have bigger problems than your eTorque.

Hot Damn!!!! One more post to get my post county up...36,389 more to go! Thanks for reminding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 ;)
Appreciate the likes guys!!! 36,387 more to go

And before hughesjasonk says I highjacked his post...not true...he said he wasn't looking for an answer and his question was rhetorical thus post over....now it becomes an opportunity for all of us to increase our post count!
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What was the indication that the battery wasn’t charging? I never saw anything on the dash indicating the battery was charging/not charging on either one of my trucks.

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