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2019 Won't Start - Brake Pedal Can't Be Pushed


Dec 22, 2018
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Went to crank my 2019 this morning and all I'm getting is a clicking. The brake pedal is hard and I can't push it down. Also the remote start will not work. I have been charging the battery all morning, the charger says the battery is good but I'm still experiencing the issue. I haven't tried to jump the truck yet but does anyone have any advice? I guess if all else fails I'll just have to have it towed to the nearest dealership. Not under warranty unfortunately...
Take the negative lead off the battery for a minute or two, reconnect, and try again.
Check your battery connections but if you're getting just a single "click" when trying to start it, more than likely the starter needs to be replaced. If you have someone to assist you, you can try tapping on the starter while someone tries to start the truck. If it starts as you tap the starter then the starter is bad
There is already a tread on this. The battery is bad. It is lying to your charger just like mine did. A jump will get you going.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Take the charger cables off, then use a meter to check the battery voltage. Then you'll at least know a true battery condition before you start chasing electrical gremlins.
Take the charger cables off, then use a meter to check the battery voltage. Then you'll at least know a true battery condition before you start chasing electrical gremlins.
The battery may show the correct volts but the amps need to be there too
Went to crank my 2019 this morning and all I'm getting is a clicking. The brake pedal is hard and I can't push it down. Also the remote start will not work. I have been charging the battery all morning, the charger says the battery is good but I'm still experiencing the issue. I haven't tried to jump the truck yet but does anyone have any advice? I guess if all else fails I'll just have to have it towed to the nearest dealership. Not under warranty unfortunately...
My ‘20 had the starter go out with 20k on it, one click when I tried to start it and nothing else. Guy at the dealership said the starter was common warranty replacement part. Love my Mopars but I’m glad I hunted down a regular Hemi without the eTorque if they have problems with the starters!
My ‘20 had the starter go out with 20k on it, one click when I tried to start it and nothing else. Guy at the dealership said the starter was common warranty replacement part. Love my Mopars but I’m glad I hunted down a regular Hemi without the eTorque if they have problems with the starters!
The etorque is no harder on the starter than non-etorque engines. They don't use the main starter for the stop/start function, they use the motor/generator that's in place of where an alternator would be. The main starter is only used when starting with the fob or the push button.
I would suspect a loose or bad ground connection somewhere. For some reason they paint over many of the ground connections at the factory before attaching them.

Your brake pedal is hard to push as the pressure builds up from repetitive brake applications while there is no vacuum pressure from the running engine.

If the truck won’t jump start you’ll either have to have it towed to the dealer or start checking grounds yourself.
I would suspect a loose or bad ground connection somewhere. For some reason they paint over many of the ground connections at the factory before attaching them.

Your brake pedal is hard to push as the pressure builds up from repetitive brake applications while there is no vacuum pressure from the running engine.

If the truck won’t jump start you’ll either have to have it towed to the dealer or start checking grounds yourself.
I believe there was a TSB for early model 5th gens for this exact issue. You might want to search the forum for threads related to bad grounds.
Well I tried to jump the truck to no avail. It turned over a little better but still wouldn't crank. Will try to detach the negative lead and re-attach next to see if that works..
Update: disconnected negative and everything was dead in the truck. Hooked up to jump again and now it's trying to turn over but still won't crank fully. Am I still looking at a starter issue? What's a TSB? Could that be the issue? I haven't replaced the battery yet but wanted to be sure it was the battery before i spent the money. I would assume that if I can't jump it, it's not the battery.
Newest update: got the truck started. When I did, the Backup cam isn't working and there's a noise coming from the belt...not sure what's going on with that but looks like I need a new battery.
Newest update: got the truck started. When I did, the Backup cam isn't working and there's a noise coming from the belt...not sure what's going on with that but looks like I need a new battery.
The ground that was loose on my truck causing this issue was on the engine block at the rear of the engine. It was loose causing the truck to act like the battery was dead, everything else worked fine tho as the grounds are different for different functions of the truck.

Disconnecting the battery may cause certain features like backup camera, hvac controls, Sirius to stop working for a couple of hours. Everything should come back.
I feel your pain. Luckily my manufacturer warranty is still in effect. Got off of work and did the remote start to get the AC going before I got in the truck. A few minutes later I was approaching my truck and it wasn’t on. Got in the truck to start it and it tried to turn over for a brief second and the stopped. Tried again and it made some electrical noises and didn’t do anything. Had a con worker jump it and drive it down to the dealership. Waiting to hear back today about the cause.

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