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upper control arm

  1. Clyde

    2” Mopar lift w/ ORP springs - pics of ball joint angles

    I’ve poured through threads and have seen a few pics, and many opinions. Seems like there are a few Mopar lift/ORP owners concerned about their ball joint angle... The only picture of the actual ball joint I could find was on a truck (jeffJad’s) that had a higher than normal ride height...
  2. Mbern

    2.5 inch level kit

    I just purchased 2.5” Motofab front leveling kit and 1.5 rear, and plan on replacing upper control arms while I’m at it. My questions are is a 2.5 lift in the fron to much? “It is a north edition so it has the ORP without the skids “ .. Will the mopar 2”UCAs accommodate the 2.5“ and ive noticed...
  3. Hessler

    ReadyLift UCA’s

    I purchased the ReadyLift 67-1500 UCA’s to go with the MotoFab 2.5” Leveling Kit and just wanted to make sure these UCA’s will fit on the 5th gens. I’ve seen people say they fit fine even though they’re meant for the 4th Gens but just wanted to verify.