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  1. JWard2020

    2020 Bighorn Cargo Bedlight wont work (at all)

    Would you mind posting a picture or explanation of what you change?
  2. JWard2020

    2020 Bighorn Cargo Bedlight wont work (at all)

    No I haven’t. I’m gonna take it to different dealership tomorrow and see if maybe they can figure it out
  3. JWard2020

    2020 Bighorn Cargo Bedlight wont work (at all)

    I hope i'm not beating a dead horse here, but i'm having some issues and looking for someone who may have had this same issue and what they did to fix it. So i purchased and installed the OEM LED Cargo Bed Lights. i know about the wrong pin issue and i made sure the BG/VT wire went into the...