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  1. H

    Battery died again

    Yes they do. Randomly. The infotainment system is the biggest hog, and it gets woken up when it thinks it detects the FOB. I have to hide the FOBs in faraday bags (which do wear out so test that they still work periodically) to keep it from detecting those. It's helped a bit switching the...
  2. H

    Using lower gear and 4 wheel low to control down hill speed

    I've noticed similar behavior on my '22. On mine, it's not that it's going in and out of neutral, rather it's going in and out of fuel cut off. I can see this on the fuel economy screen, the instantaneous MPG switches between 99 and something in the mid teens, corresponding to the surges. In...
  3. H

    Boogielander Build

    I will have to grab an archive of the thread after you've come back, especially the good Thai and Vietnamese eats along the way. The NOAA weather reports are great to listen to, my radio even will respond to their emergency alerts as I discovered when I was in Texas for the eclipse). Repeaters...
  4. H

    Boogielander Build

    @boogielander Enjoying the virtual ride along, and hoping to make the trip someday myself. Curious if you've fired up the amateur radio on the trip.
  5. H

    Will me and my family be ok? Code 219A

    I am glad you got some reassurance that it wasn't a catastrophe and could enjoy your trip. And totally didn't expect to hear any major replies until you were back home. So all good! I too get pretty somethinged off having to stare at that check engine light as the hundreds of miles tick off...
  6. H

    Will me and my family be ok? Code 219A

    Sorry to hear. I've just got my truck back from service for yet another P219B (same error, other bank) on similar long haul drives. Only seems to happen on long haul road trips, usually coming back towards San Diego. Probably have over 3k miles racked up with that dang code present. Latest...
  7. H

    Android Auto Wireless Disconnects

    I've linked to my endless reconnects of AA to the infotainment system to changes in phone network state. Everytime, it fails to handoff cell towers in a timely manner, Android goes and resets all the network connections, which borks the connection to the infotainment system. If phone...
  8. H

    Left ignition on for half an hour. Battery died, check engine came on

    I agree. My truck has had to go in for other issues anyways, so it was no additional time on my part to have them replace the battery, and I'll save the $160 to put towards a nice replacement once the warranty runs out.
  9. H

    Left ignition on for half an hour. Battery died, check engine came on

    My truck refuses to even let the interior lights stay on with the doors open. Really irritating around camp. How do you get them to stay on? The big battery drain I've found are the infotainment and dashboard systems that insist on powering up whenever there's the slightest hint of activity...
  10. H

    Adding an Auxiliary Battery

    No BT, but I have some other temperature monitoring capabilities, and of course I can read the IBS temp. That being said, it's going to have to wait a couple weeks. Truck is currently out of service AGAIN(!!!) for a recurring check engine light, and it just got pushed back (dealer) another...
  11. H

    Adding an Auxiliary Battery

    I've designed my system to be able to power a 2000w inverter at full power. I also set it up to "trickle" backfeed the truck at up to 18A, (still adjusting due to lack of diligence calculating the loss on the back feed circuit, only getting about 10A). The batteries each have 2x AS150u, which...
  12. H

    Adding an Auxiliary Battery

    IMHO probably. I have 2 x 100Ah LiFePO4 batteries, and I unload them after each road trip. I have a fiberglass topper on my bed, and during the days right now, the outside air temps hit the mid 70's, but inside the sealed up topper + bed, it's hitting close to 120F. Most of the these...
  13. H

    Anyone Install a Ham Radio or even CB/GMRS in their RAM? Have questions..

    Not sure about #1 and #2 . I have the non etorque and a shell on the bed. As for #3, there's a grommet under the carpet over the raised area under the back seat. I routed my coax through there. You kinda have to fish for it because it routes through the frame. I put the bulk coax and rear...
  14. H

    GMRS/CB Radio Install

    I used the grommet on the floor underneath the back of the left back seat. You kinda have to snake the wires to get out through a hole in the frame, but I brought coax, and the rear cam cable from the camera mounted on the shell back window this way. I used some flex wire loom first, and then...
  15. H

    Loose Window Trim

    Mine started coming off at 9 months. Got replaced under warranty, but concerning nonetheless. Thanks for the info of how much that will cost post warranty.
  16. H

    2019 Dt 3.6L Engine ticking bank 1 with p219a

    Wow thanks for the follow up. With all that, I'm surprised nothing else was wrong and giving additional codes. I'm not set up to take apart my engine, and I doubt any of the dealers will be so involved (last one said they drove it around a bunch to try to reproduce, but I only saw <1mi on the...
  17. H

    2019 Dt 3.6L Engine ticking bank 1 with p219a

    Wow, and I thought it was bad around my area that they won't look at anything for a month+. I did have one dealer tell me they had no access to the service records from the previous dealer because they're a franchise... but I though all dealers were franchises. Very different from getting my...
  18. H

    2019 Dt 3.6L Engine ticking bank 1 with p219a

    Sorry to hear. I've had a P219B which is the same issue on bank 2 of my 2022 Hemi. Had it in the shop twice now, and I've not even had the truck a year. It's happened to me on road trips, so it manages to clear itself before making it into the dealer. The first time, it was still on the...
  19. H

    The New 2025 Ram 1500 (TFL truck summary review)

    Sounds like that must be the case. It's just surprising to me. Guess we'll find out more eventually.
  20. H

    The New 2025 Ram 1500 (TFL truck summary review)

    Yeah, I was looking at the gas only portion of the economy. And of course the eMPG will be higher. I was interested to see what they could wring out of the gas engine by optimizing it's operating point. Guess that part will be saved for gen 2.