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  1. GARebel19

    Anyone locate the transmission breather tube?

    I recently extended my front diff and transfer case breathers. Really easy to do and good for peace of mind. I will say that the caps the factory puts on the ends of the breather lines are at the very least splash proof/water resistant. While they were off I tested them in the kitchen sink...
  2. GARebel19

    lift kit

    I had no luck getting the ball joint loose just by hitting it with a hammer either. I used a pickle fork and since I bought the Readylift leveling that replaces the upper control arms I wasn't worried about messing up the boot around the ball joint and of course it got destroyed. I really...
  3. GARebel19

    Cashes Valley Last weeked

    Saw a white Rebel while heading out Cashes Valley in Elijay last weekend. Was nice to see a another Rebel in a sea of Jeeps. Didn't know if he frequents here. Would be fun to add another Rebel to my group.
  4. GARebel19

    Wiper Blades - Best of

    I have been unimpressed with the wipers that came with my Rebel. The drivers side skips/makes noise even when there is plenty of water on the windshield.
  5. GARebel19

    Leveling Kit Review/Pics ??

    I'm guessing the stud length is different depending on what strut you have.
  6. GARebel19

    Leveling Kit Review/Pics ??

    I agree on the only way to be sure is to take it apart. Once I get more time I will at least take the wheel off and get a better look up there.
  7. GARebel19

    Leveling Kit Review/Pics ??

    So I did a look at mine and try to run a zip tie up above the spacer and I was not able to. I need to take the tire off one day to get a better look but I'm not seeing what you described.
  8. GARebel19

    Leveling Kit Review/Pics ??

    I certainly did not notice that when installing my truck but I didn't look for that either. Now you got me worried and wanting to check but I really don't want to take all that apart again. Jeez
  9. GARebel19

    New Off Road Pages

    Awe I want that!
  10. GARebel19

    Chipped Windshield Repair

    Earlier this year after reading about all of the cracked windshields on here I contacted my insurance company (also State Farm) to discuss deductibles. I ended up going from a $500 deductible on comprehensive to $0 and the difference was only $3 a month. Just something for everyone to think...
  11. GARebel19

    Rear window surround crack.

    Wow. Not only did they do all that damage but they did a ****ty job trying to cover it up. I would be so pissed. Definitely take that back to the dealer to show them.
  12. GARebel19

    Rear window surround crack.

    Damn!! Did they touch up the paint or was that you?
  13. GARebel19

    Leveling Kit Review/Pics ??

    Also went with the Readylift leveling kit with UCA's. The installation was not that difficult and It rides exactly the same to me.
  14. GARebel19

    How often do you change your engine oil?

    So far for this truck I am running the recommended conventional Pennzoil 5w-20. First oil change at 1,000 miles and every 5,000 after. May go to synthetic one day and that would change the frequency.
  15. GARebel19


    Wow. That's good to know. Definitely won't be buying anything from there. Thanks for sharing.
  16. GARebel19

    AC - does anyone have a truck that blows ice cold?

    Oh, gotcha. Look i'd be pissed as hell if I was having the same problem.
  17. GARebel19

    AC - does anyone have a truck that blows ice cold?

    I don't understand your reply to my post at all. You that mad your truck is broke and mine isn't? This thread was started asking for people who aren't having a problem with their a/c. Some aren't and some people cant accept that apparently. Grow up.
  18. GARebel19

    AC - does anyone have a truck that blows ice cold?

    No problems with my AC. It's been 90's in GA and I bought it last summer when it was in the 90's and it has always cooled down my truck like I would expect . No I have not checked the temperature at the vents and I don't have a gauge or desire to do so. It feels every bit as cold as my 2019...
  19. GARebel19

    This sums up my Rebel thoughts

    OMG the ride quality of a Wrangler is terrible in comparison of the Rebel. I can't imagine driving one every day.
  20. GARebel19

    AC is Cold, rear window/brake light doesn't leak, and I get great fuel mileage on my 4x4 3.92 E Torque 5.7L

    Have had mine a year this month and zero problems. It's never been back to the dealer and I have no complaints.