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Search results

  1. L

    Wheels 22"

    To each his own, I searched all over for a Laramie with 18's because for my driving those 20 an 22's are completely worthless. Then I purchased a second set of 18's to mount my snow tires on and I'll likely go narrower then stock for those tires, looking at 255/70-18's or possibly 265/70-18's...
  2. L

    Tire Ply Rating

    With the 116 load rated tires you will be far past your trucks axle rating. Also those load ratings are usually at the tires max rated pressure which will result in a rough ride unless the truck is "overloaded". I don't believe that your tires will see much change in pressure from loading...
  3. L

    Tire Ply Rating

    The load rating is a 3 digit code that translate to a weight capacity for a tire; The XL(extra load) or SL(standard load) doesn't mean much till you look at the load rating. And then you have your letter code that relates to your speed rating which you shouldn't exceed.
  4. L

    Tire Ply Rating

    To add to your confusion even Load range "E" tires are no longer actually made with 10 plys , more like 3 in the sidewalls and maybe 4 or 6 in the tread. heavy load range tires will tend to weigh more then lighter load range and will have a higher load rating. But with a half ton pickup do you...
  5. L

    Rear Tailgate “open” notification no longer supported

    My "19" Larime with the electric tail gate release has the tailgate ajar alert.
  6. L

    Air suspension bad idea if near payload capacity?

    My "19" Laramie has the air suspension and a one ton load in the box did disable the air suspension, it was in the standard mode when the pallet was loaded, the truck lowered to the areo mode on it's own and would not lower or raise untill I got unloaded.
  7. L

    Is Rebel categorized Commercial in NY?

    From the NYS DMV When your truck was registered by the dealer they may have requested commercial plates if they thought it was for a business. I found a curb weight for a Rebel of 5314 pounds. Pick-up Trucks (Part 106.6 (b) and (c)) You can register a pick-up in the 'Passenger' class if...
  8. L

    Vanity Plates

    When I got my current plate I was active in my local Marine Corp League, the years have made me more of an inactive member. Been considering just getting one of the various Veterans plate available. My current ones; And no I'm not concerned about someone seeing my plates or figuring out my...
  9. L

    Ram Trucks Reduces The Complexity Of Its 2022 Ram 1500 Lineup!

    As long as it has a mute button or I can turn it off, heck I don't use the "cloud" now as it is and my stuff doesn't "sync" it may want to and keep trying to and I keep refusing.
  10. L

    Ram Trucks Reduces The Complexity Of Its 2022 Ram 1500 Lineup!

    Well lucky for me I traded up a bit this spring from my 2015 Big Horn to my current 2019 Larime. I had been looking for several months and the dealers didn't want to deal on the new ones as far as ordering one and I had some fairly specific requirements. I wanted the power seat with adjustable...
  11. L

    Rust protection for your Ram

    I get mine treated with Waxoly, this will be my 4th vehicle treated with it. I'm satisfied with the protection it provides. https://www.waxoyl-usa.com/
  12. L

    110 Outlet

    If refrigeration is your main issue, look at this type of cooler box...
  13. L

    S.O.S. !!! Locked out of 2021 RAM & Engine Running (key inside) Uconnect unlock signal NOT unlocking door!!!!!!

    Good to hear that you got into your truck. Many times Uconnect wouldn't work on my 2015. I have heard many times that you couldn't lock your key fob in your truck, BULL the doors will easily lock in many ways with the key fob in the vehicle. Any time you remote start either by a second key fob...
  14. L

    Help with winter tire/wheel selection

    Yes, the closest I've come up with are 255/70R18 and not a lot of choices
  15. L

    Help with winter tire/wheel selection

    And I'll add another vote for the Nokian Hakkapeliitta studded snows. I'm not real happy with the size selection avilible for the newer trucks with 18's, none tall enough and narrow enough for my desires not sure what I'm going with this winter. I really do not want to stay with the 275/65R18's...
  16. L

    Big Horn vs. Larime

    Spell check to the rise again, a lawyer should be hopefully no where in your life.:D
  17. L

    Big Horn vs. Larime

    I went to my 19 Laramie from my 15 Big Horn with the top line Big Horn package. My main reason was the passenger power seat and lumbar support for my wife. Also I got rid of my gray interior for the light colored leather and the bench seat without the full length counsel. On long trips my knee...
  18. L

    air suspension load weight limits

    Does anyone have any idea of what the weight load is that activates the warning on the air suspension. I had a pallet of Ag bags loaded on my 19 Laramie with the air suspension and ORG. When I loaded it the truck was in the entry/exit mode, when I started it and activated the suspension to lift...
  19. L

    4WD auto?

    Dang what a thread, some good advise and some not so good. Back to the OP when 4w auto is activated the front axle internal disconnect is activated and the axle is ready for the transfer case to send power to it. When turning sharply the front axle u-joints are being rotated when they are at...
  20. L

    110 Outlet

    I don't know what your vehicle is but not all of the AC converter were 400 watt some were only 100 watts.