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  1. D

    Stop your ride(s) from getting stolen!

    Your cell phone uses signals an order of magnitude higher and at a different frequency than your key FOB. Probably too late, but you should be trying these Amazon products out with the FOB, not your phone for a fair test. Motion deactivates the kill switch? If an attacker walks up to your...
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    Any regrets not getting 4x4

    No regrets - I've had my DT Ram for about a year, and this ice storm in TX was the only time I just left it in the driveway. It got me home just fine on the 12th when everything was starting to freeze over.. but I also don't drive like a dummy. I would say the only "must have" is either a locker...
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    Texas winter broke my Rebel!

    Today is 70 degrees and sunny, and aside from having to boil water and not having groceries it's a beautiful day - that's TX
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    Texas winter broke my Rebel!

    Oh moose, eh? I better sell my truck so I can get in on the next southern ice road cruise 🤣
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    Texas winter broke my Rebel!

    I've lived in Texas for 30 years, I've traveled extensively to northern states, and spend a lot of time in Indiana with my wife's family. Trust me when I say that a handful of *sand* trucks and standard construction equipment to scrape roads does not sufficient equipment make. I was living in...
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    Texas winter broke my Rebel!

    What task do you think it was "made for"? I bought my Ram to tow a 3,000 pound car, 1,500 pound ATV, 2,000 pound trailer, 3 friends, and gear on highways to race tracks around the country. 4x4 trucks are still 2WD on the highway, so you're just carrying around and maintaining additional CV's...
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    Texas winter broke my Rebel!

    Hear, hear- the amount of people that decided to go out on the ice without even thinking first was shocking (but not that shocking, I suppose, based on how crappy they drive normally). Really sad that the barren shelves and panic buying are likely just going to be thrown in the landfill two...
  8. D

    Ram Could Build An Electrified Ram, If Customers Request It:

    Texas' problem is that there are no regulations telling them to winterize, because ERCOT is not connected to federal grids. Wind turbines run in the arctic all the time.. because they have the winterization to do so https://mashable.com/article/wind-turbines-texas/...
  9. D

    Texas winter broke my Rebel!

    The difference is that Texas does not have equipment to clear roads, many houses only have an electric heat pump that uses the Air Conditioner (no furnace), and shedding heat during summer is the primary building objective - not keeping it in. I've driven in Colorado, Wyoming, and Indiana during...
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    Forward Collision Issue?

    My Forward Collision Warning/ FCW system occasionally gives me "Service Forward Collision Warning" light with the exclamation mark, as well as the "speed control fault" warning, and it doesn't let me use cruise control. This happened once when leaving the house, and again earlier with some...
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    You seriously overestimate the reach of public transit outside of the tri-state area
  12. D


    One tip you guys forgot was to avoid accelerating up hills. If no one is around, avoid using more gas at all up hill, and catch the speed back up going downhill. Especially with something like a truck that weighs 5,000lb, even going up 10ft in elevation is a lot of energy. Accelerating 5,000...
  13. D

    Remote Start - "Pit Stop" mode ?

    The remote start does remote start. If you're in the post office and you want to start the car so it'll cool, use remote start. If you were to open up the owners manual that came with your truck, you could turn to page 20 and see several conditions have to be met, but then it will lock the...
  14. D

    Poor gas mileage

    If you're getting 10MPG, that's 100% on your driving/ idling. My truck gets 13 MPG towing 6,000lbs, 17 on my commute, and ~20 highway.
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    Keyfob Range (Terrible)

    It has more to do with deregulation in general. The automotive industry has to deal with strict regulations of their own, so they lobbied for an exemption from the FCC. You wouldn't want to over-regulate those key industries, right? Lazy/ cheap aftermarket companies exploit that gap, because now...
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    Keyfob Range (Terrible)

    As others mentioned, no - the factory lights are designed and tested (with everything else on the truck) not to break regulations for electromagnetic interference that would cause this issue. That being said, just about any aftermarket add-on could cause this, because they generally don't go...
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    Keyfob Range (Terrible)

    Nope - do you have any aftermarket accessories plugged into your truck? I can hit the remote start as I'm walking up to the parking garage, and that's ~100 ft.
  18. D

    Which model/ power train? cummins/hemi? 2500/3500?

    Reading about the CP4, it sounds like the Cummins are using the latest CP4.2 pump, and most of the failures are 100k+ and likely have to deal with lack of maintenance http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/engine/what-is-cp4-failure That being said, the 6.4 Hemi has more payload. Since 7,000lb isn't...
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    DIY brakes

    In case anyone is curious, bolts are noted to be replaced when they're Torque To Yield (TTY) https://www.counterman.com/torque-to-yield-fasteners-where-theyre-used-and-why-they-need-to-be-replaced/ That being said, no, I would bet money your average brake shop wouldn't even think about...
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    TRX Jump that makes you cringe!

    Low Mileage TRX for sale, no lowballers, I know what I have!