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Search results

  1. Tex_Ram

    5th Gen Hidden Winch

    I'll be orderin' cause you're the only one selling! Just trying to decide whether or not I wanna go with a Smittybilt (Will need the clutch relocation kit) or a Warn Zeon Platinum that has the electronic clutch..
  2. Tex_Ram

    Light bar switch install

    Can I get some close ups of those 6" lights and how you have them mounted? Looks sick, not a fan of RC but maybe can find an alternative to that.
  3. Tex_Ram

    5th Gen Hidden Winch

    It's a 2020 1500 5.7 Lone Star, or big horn I guess they're called not in Texas
  4. Tex_Ram

    5th Gen Hidden Winch

    Will these bolt up with a 2020 1500?
  5. Tex_Ram

    2019 vs 2020 differences? Lift Kits - Side Steps - Bumpers etc

    Just took delivery of a 2020 Ram 1500 Lone Star (Big Horn) and while driving it home I called 4wheel parts to ask about a 6" lift.. Apparently the 4wp in Houston has never done a 2020 Ram so he wasn't able to tell me anything. I've tried searching here but am not coming up with much info so...