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  1. Tex_Ram

    2020 Overland Ram Build

    I'm in a Ram club so I am next to other Rams all the time and I can say with certainty that it is taller than a 3.5 RL SST lift and sits the same height as other 6" lifts on 5th gens, at stock though I definitely felt like I was lower than other trucks though.
  2. Tex_Ram

    Towing the new camper

    👋 We love our Intech Pursue! A bit smaller than the Sol but allows (forces rather) you to be outdoors and not just sitting in a camper!
  3. Tex_Ram

    Anyone else get an OTA Update today?

    UC 4C NAV, I got the OTA update, just popped up as I was about to get outta my truck though so I didn't do it.
  4. Tex_Ram

    2020 Overland Ram Build

    I have stripped most of the overland stuff off my truck and built it out differently. Closing this thread.
  5. Tex_Ram

    Rear View Mirror replacement

    My dilemma: I can't see out of my rear view mirror due to my bed rack My intended solution: A rear view mirror monitor, that live streams from a rear mounted camera, many are out there, they have 2 types, one that attaches via little rubber straps on top of your OEM mirror (Looks too...
  6. Tex_Ram

    Ordering New Side Steps This Weekend - Letting Community Decide Which Ones I Go With!

    I live in Houston so not much rust but I didn't coat mine with anything and was under there yesterday and there is zero rust on the exposed threads almost 9 months later.
  7. Tex_Ram

    Overall Truck Height - 37x12.50 Tire

    Thank you, this makes perfect sense. It was late and I was tired lol
  8. Tex_Ram

    Overall Truck Height - 37x12.50 Tire

    I have a 6" Procomp Lift and currently running 35's but wanting to step up to 37's but trying to figure out the height of the tallest point of the truck, which would be the Sharkfin Antenna. Anyone on 37's know what this height would be?
  9. Tex_Ram

    Air Lift Ultimate 5000 on a 6" Lift Question About Spacer Height (Already installed)

    I went ahead and put a 4" spacer in under the bags and removed the 6" spacer. Sits MUCH more level now and doesn't ride on the internal bump stops when the air is all out.
  10. Tex_Ram

    Air Lift Ultimate 5000 on a 6" Lift Question About Spacer Height (Already installed)

    I finally got around to putting my Air Lift Ultimate 5000 Helper bags in yesterday and the dealer I bought them from said I needed the 6" spacer as I have a 6" procomp lift.. I'm starting to wonder if that is correct.. I feel like the rear of my truck sits considerably higher than it did prior...
  11. Tex_Ram

    Leveling kit

    Are you still happy with your Dayton XHD's? I have added a lot of weight in the rear and now my 6" lift is more like a 6" front 4" rear.. Hoping to level it back out and get the back, back up..
  12. Tex_Ram

    Adding extra weight to the truck - need some advice

    I need to go jump on a scale but I'm estimating I'm over 1000lbs on my build. I have a 6in lift and I sit about 1.5-2in shorter in the rear. Considering dumping it all and starting over with a 2500 Power Wagon... Plus I hate the limited aftermarket for the 5th Gen 1500's. 2020 Ram 1500 Lonestar...
  13. Tex_Ram

    Bed rack/ expedition rack

    Leitner Designs Bed Rack.. Has held up great!
  14. Tex_Ram

    Ram 1500 Snorkel

    He said his old truck, not his 2020. In Australia I'm sure he was driving a Rover that could ford water up to the windshield lol. Either which way, just was pointing out that most people use snorkels for the cleaner air :) Anywho, DFW.. I'll be there next weekend for a Texas Ram Club event.. You...
  15. Tex_Ram

    San Antonio July 4

    In July and around Austin that was probably the Texas Ram Club Hill Country Cruise.. Was 71 Rams on that cruise.
  16. Tex_Ram

    Ram 1500 Snorkel

    This horse has been beat, killed, brought back to life and beat again. The biggest reason a lot of people run a snorkel is to raise the air intake up outta the dust. When you're on a trail kicking up dust it's much better to be sucking cleaner air from up high rather than a bunch of dust filled...
  17. Tex_Ram

    2020 Overland Ram Build

    Well I can't find it.. but there is a couple screws you pull out then the panel under the steering wheel pops off then you can easily access the fuse panel. This post kinda shows what it is https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/hard-wire-dash-cam-install.550/
  18. Tex_Ram

    2020 Overland Ram Build

    Not at all, you just have pull a couple screws and you get great access to it.. Someone had a writeup on it.. I'll try to find it
  19. Tex_Ram

    2020 Overland Ram Build

    Fuse F66 under the dash. This isn't my picture, I used a Fuse Tap but this is which fuse it is
  20. Tex_Ram

    2020 Overland Ram Build

    Ok been slacking on getting a picture up here! Have had it on about 2 weeks now, Tuff Stuff Alpha Roof Top Tent! *She's sitting really low in the rear in this picture.. I have 800 bottles of water that were being donated to Louisiana Hurricane Relief I had just picked up.