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  1. SD Rebel

    Way to ruin Ram Limited Experience with bubbling dashboard!

    Maxcare and most extended "full coverage" type warranties rarely cover anything considered cosmetic, such as paint or interior soft bits, body gaskets and seals. Your best bet is to have a good independent automotive upholstery shop take a look at it. They may be able to spot repair it, or...
  2. SD Rebel

    TPMS Reset ?

    Typically takes 10 miles, but sometimes more. Are you sure they changed the pressures? Because they often forget, especially since the Rebel has such different setting front to rear. If they forget to change them, it will read 45F/55R. If that's the reading you are seeing in your truck...
  3. SD Rebel

    how often is everyone changing oil

    I use 2x half gallon Ziploc bag method, I have never spilled a drop, it's honestly one of my easiest oil filter changes with that method. Give it a try next time, just unscrew the filter half turn, slip on the first Ziploc bag, keep unscrewing until it starts leaking into the bag, then after it...
  4. SD Rebel

    0W-20 Oil

    They moved the spec to 0W-20 from 5W-20, you did exactly what the dealer is already probably doing. I also moved to 0W-20 on my 2019, now our Tahoe 6.2L, Toyota C-HR and my RAM are all under the same oil, I can use PUP OW-20 for all of them.
  5. SD Rebel

    Any rc fans?

    I think Boogie is looking specifically for a scale DT 1500.
  6. SD Rebel

    R A M 2924 1500 Regular Service interval and services required!

    The computer will count down depending on your driving style, as early as 3,500 miles and as long as 10,000 miles. Most go off at around 7,500 - 9,000 miles based on average driving styles. It's up to you on how you follow this, many do it earlier, at say 5,000 miles regardless of what the...
  7. SD Rebel

    Any rc fans?

    Me as well, I've been looking. There are a few nice die-cast models, especially of the Rebel, but nothing in the RC world yet. That's reserved for Raptors and Wranglers it seems.
  8. SD Rebel

    Any rc fans?

    I don't think I've run across one. Hobby grade level RC vehicles usually focuses on stylizing a body to fit a RC chassis, rarely does it look accurate to real life, kinda like how a Baja 1000 Trophy truck looks in comparison to the real thing. The exception being crawler specific RC, they tend...
  9. SD Rebel

    Any rc fans?

    I'm pretty heavy in the RC world, until most recently my new hobby of Jet Ski fishing has taken up my interest, but still do RC a lot. Mainly RC plane foamies, 1200mm Warbird types with 4S lipos. 1/5th scale gas and brushless electric trophy trucks and buggies 1/10th scale electric indoor race...
  10. SD Rebel

    RAM1500 5.7 Coolant Temperature 226F

    It's got to be a sensor of some sort. The engine light would not go on at those temps, you will get a high coolant temp warning at around 245F (118C) and oil temp warning at 290F (143C). What did the code say for the check engine light that went off recently?
  11. SD Rebel

    RAM1500 5.7 Coolant Temperature 226F

    I have a Rebel with no shutters, but I can tell you your temps seem pretty normal. Could your aftermarket shutters somehow not be sending the right signals and causing the occasionally codes?
  12. SD Rebel

    Using lower gear and 4 wheel low to control down hill speed

    I think he just wants more engine braking in a lower speed situation, the descent control is probably too slow for his application?
  13. SD Rebel

    Warranty work and dealers.

    All individually owned and operated, always check with other dealers. However, the work on warranty is the last thing any service shop wants to do, especially Stellantis. The hours rates are lower for the techs, they make less money for the effort. Also, Stellantis warranty network tends to...
  14. SD Rebel

    She's not qualified

    Didn't trump improve his numbers with almost every demographic group and expected to win the popular vote by a lot, something he never did before.
  15. SD Rebel

    Heater core removal

    Wow, I'm glad I don't experinece heavy winters, when mine goes I'll be blocking that sucker off and pretending I don't have a heater core.
  16. SD Rebel

    Ram Step bolts

    You likely won't need C, just B unless that hole isn't threaded. The size is M14x2x45 Here you go, they have the bolt size here, there is even a link to the Mopar part: Need Mopar bed step bolt size
  17. SD Rebel

    Using lower gear and 4 wheel low to control down hill speed

    Oh gotcha, that is interesting, and now beyond my scope. Hopefully someone here will chime in, there are off-road members here who likely have better experiences, I would check out the off-roading section and PM some of those folks in case they didn't see this thread.
  18. SD Rebel

    Using lower gear and 4 wheel low to control down hill speed

    That makes sense, you should have locked it in first or 2nd gear. Because it will try to shift into the highest gear possible naturally and that could be the feeling as HSKR mentioned.
  19. SD Rebel

    Using lower gear and 4 wheel low to control down hill speed

    What was the max speed you were driving during your descent where it would disengage and go into neutral?
  20. SD Rebel

    First Oil Change, 1000 Miles or is this just Old Fashioned?

    The fix now is complete engine replacement, you got to hand it to Toyota, they aren't cheapening out on the fix, they are doing complete long blocks now, as you mentioned much easier and less complications for the end user than a short block replacement. I remember the Corvette having that...